Calum || Charlize

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"She's playing you mate."

The same thing has been said to me for the past hour. I don't know to believe it. Charlize and I have such a great connection. She loves me and I love her. It's perfect right?

I sit around with the guys. They seem to be sure about this thing but I'm not to convinced. I know she has been distant but she is busy. She has things to do as well as I do. It's completely normal.

I try to zone out from them bickering at me. I pull out my phone and decide to text her.


Hi Cal.

How is everything going?

It's going. Cal I have to go. I'll text you later.

Alright, love you.

I wait for the simple words that are stated between two people or more. But nothing comes. Shit, could what the guys be saying be true? But she's busy, but thinking back she does this to me every time I text her. Fuck. She is playing me.

Tossing the phone to Michael I cross my arms. I can't believe I was so damn stupid. "That's cold." Michael speaks up as he reads over the messages.

I just don't understand. We were so happy together or did I try to damn hard? I watch them pass the phone around as the express how they feel about it. I feel like a fool, I'm being played. It's bullshit, I love her so damn mic but the feeling isn't mutual. I'm so damn stupid.

"You guys were right." I mutter taking my phone back from Ashton. Lord did I hate admitting that one.

Taking a quick glance of it I notice she read it. That just makes it so much more obvious. Just want someway to show her that her little game don't go they way she planned.

"I got a plan." Ashton declares as he pulls his phone out of his pocket. "Charlize gave me her number a few days ago."

So she tried to make a move on one of my best friends... That's low on her part. I move over beside Ashton as he sends her a text.

Hey Charlize.

Hey Irwin.

What up?

Nothing just watching Eric get dressed. What about you?

Nothing important I was curious would like to hangout out later today.?

Love too. My place or yours.? (;


Alright see you soon. :*

I cringe as I look over the messages. She is with another guy while planning in her head that she was going to hook up with another. How could I have been so damn stupid.

Minutes pass and I stay standing in a dark room. Luke by the door and Ashton texting away on his phone. I can't understand what was going to happen when she knew she was set up. The front door opens and closes.

This is it. Everything needs to be settled here and now. The bedroom door opens. She steps into the room calling out Ashton's name. I swallow the link forming in my throat as the door shuts and the lights come in.

"What the hell is going on?" She questions as she looks to me and Luke and Ashton standing behind her.

"We could ask you the same thing?" Luke speaks up.

I open my mouth to say something but no words come out. I'm speechless so many emotions are taking over me; anger, sadness, happy that she is in front of me.

"I have things to do, so if you could move."

"No, You had a idea to do something over here. But seems your schedule is cleared." Ashton says with a smirk.

"You, you played me."

"Cal not now." She mutters rolling her eyes.

"No Charlize we are talking about his now.!" I raise my voice causing her eyes to focuses on me.

"I gave you everything. I loved you! But that wasn't good enough, I wasn't good enough. So you decided to play me. Fucking around with other guys. TRYING TO FUCK ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS. How fucking stupid are you? Did you not think I would find out?" She doesn't say anything as she looks around finding something to distract her.

"Answer me!"

"I don't know. Okay I don't know.!" She yells.

The whole room stays silent as I move closer to her. She doesn't bother to step back as he eyes stay fixed on me.

"This" I gesture between us. "Is over. No more. I'm tired of being apart of your fucking game. Find someone else, maybe they wouldn't give a shit like i did."

She stays silent before looking to the guys behind her. She seems embarrassed. Now she knows how I feel. Ashton moves out of the way as she walks to the door. She looks to me one last time before walking out.

I feel better. Crazy ending it with her made me feel relief. I feel someone place their hand on my shoulder.

"Mate don't worry you can do so much better." Luke muttered.

I smiled. "You're right."

"Hey what I miss?" I look towards the hallway to see Michael standing there with his hand in a bag of chips.

I couldn't help but laugh. Luke walked over to him taking the bag. I followed then out of the room. Placing my arm across Michael's shoulders. I smiled. "Mate you missed quite a lot."

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