Ashton || (Y/N)

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Ashton, he was panicked. he made sure his shirt was tucked in perfectly before looking back to the sleeping body in the bed. he sighed to himself knowing that his ass was going to be on the line for this. he rushed to his car quickly heading towards the familiar house. pulling up the driveway he thanked The Lord the lights were still on.

he let out a deep breath before shutting off the car. getting out of the car the path to the door made him more nervous. his knuckles hit against the wood. the door soon swung open. her gaze was angered as she just starred at him.

"daddy!!" their gaze both fell onto the four year old boy as he ran towards Ashton. he held his arms out as he hunched down. his son wrapped his arms tightly around Ashton's neck.

he sweetly kissed his sons forehead as he knew that as soon as his son went to get his things he was going to hear it. he soon removed his embrace from his son as he starred at him.

"Allen can you please go to your room for a minute." his eyes looked to his father before he nodded. he headed up the steps as Ashton stood back to his height.

"I can't believe you Irwin. you are so late." she declared as she made sure the little boy was out of earshot.

"I was busy." Ashton said shrugging.

"yeah that hickey on your neck sure proves you were." He raises his hands to feel his neck hoping she was just fucking with him. but he closed his eyes as he knew he was caught.

"I made it here that all that matters." he looked to et not really in the mood for her shit like she always is willing to through at him.

"I swear you are thankful my sister told me to look after Allen or who knows where that boy would be left as you hook up with random women."

"I love my son." Ashton was getting angered at her tone.

"you sure don't prove it."

"listen here. I loved your sister and I love my son. and you need to get through your head he is not your son. he is mine. my sperm help made him. I, me. I fucked your sister many times to get Allen here. so please keep your damn parenting advice to your damn self and let me just get my son." her eyes were wide. Ashton was breathing heavily as he headed up to the room he knew his son was staying in, his mothers old room.

Ashton took a deep breath knowing he hasn't been in this room in years. he opened the door slowly as his son held a picture frame in his hands. his son didn't lol to him as Ashton entered the room.

"mommy." Allen's soft voice was heard as he brought the photo to his chest as he clutched it. "I miss you."

Ashton soon brought himself to be beside his little boy. his eyes never left the photo. Allen's voice was shaking as a sob left his lips. "hey little man."

"daddy, I want mommy." Allen was now in full on sobs as Ashton moved him to his lap. the photo never leaving his sons chest.

"buddy I want mommy to come back too. but hey I'm here." his son shook his head as Ashton's heart dropped.

"no you're not. you always leave me here and you never Cole back until late."

"daddy is sorry okay. I can try better. I promise.". Ashton's hold on his son was tighter as his son was right and so was the damned women downstairs.

he neglected his duties as a father to produce lust. he never realised it until now. he knew his son needed him and he knew deep down he needed him too.

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