Luke || Katie

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He was different. You noticed that at first sight. His smile was dazzling. His eyes captivated you. You could listen to him talk on about anything for hours. Yes you had a serious crush, but you knew what the out come would hold.

Tear stained cheeks, awkward waves as you guys passed. Short hellos and nothing more. You would regret everything that lead up to what was now happening. You would grow a hatred towards yourself. A little less confidence and more self pity. You would be a emotional wreck. But the question was could you go back to it.?

Yes, this was a new experience and yes this was a different time. Different person. But with your outcome everything ended the same. So you built up a wall. You promised yourself to avoid his presence and look for joy. You wanted to ignore him all together so if he did find out about your liking he would let you possibly down easy.

You had people telling and begging for you to tell him. To let him know what was going through your mind. But you knew you depended on him to much and he probably already saw you as a charity case. You didn't want his pity. Nor did you want him worried of any sort towards your well-being.

You leaned your back against the door as music blare through your headphones. You were escaping the world and everyone in it. It was only you and your music. The way you always knew it would be. You worked on your new assignment as people passed you by. You knew you weren't sane for sitting out in the hallway but it was were you concentrated more.

You started to hum to the lyrics as you couldn't help but get lost. You notice someone standing beside you. Looking up you noticed the dazzling smile. His dimples popped as his smile grew. You took out a headphone as his normal question was spoken.

"Hey Katie, how are you?"

You smiled. But underneath the fake smile you knew he possibly didn't care. "I'm fine thanks. how are you?" His reply was simple but the conversation soon changed.

"I feel like you are upset with me." His presence was soon sitting beside you as he ran a hand through his blonde hair.

"Me, upset with you.?" You questioned shocked by his bluntness but shocked that he actually noticed. His nod of the head proved he wasn't that oblivious to you.

The awkward silence grew as you didn't know what to say. He knows you write, he knows that you have been avoiding him. How can you explain all of this without sounding like a freak?

"I'm sorry if I upset you in anyway. I'm-"

You cut off his sentence as you rushed up off the floor grabbing your things in your arms. "I have to go." You walked off leaving him puzzled and confused. As you entered your room. Finally being able to let the tears stream down. You placed your things on your desk before getting in bed and curling up as you quietly cried.

The next few days you spent in your room advising him and everyone else with every cost. You emerged for class but that was all. You couldn't bare to look into his eyes and see the hurt you probably caused. You knew it was better off him then you. You stayed sitting at your desk scrolling through random pictures on your computer. A loud knock at your door made you jump in surprise.

You weren't suspecting anyone to drop by. As you edged closer to the door your heart stopped as you looked through the peephole and noticed him. His face held in a tight formation as he looked around waiting for you to answer. You knew ignoring his texts would end up like this.

You took a deep breath before slowly answering the door. As it opened he stepped inside not waiting for permission. He seemed angry and you knew he had a reason to be. His paced the floors as he didn't look at you. You stayed back near the door holding the handle waiting for a chance to escape.

"What have I done? Katie, I was there for you. I'm nice to you. We are friends. Why do you want to avoid me and treat me the way you are?"

"Friends. That's why." You spoke softly not wanting to hear anything else he was possibly going to say.

"You don't want to be friends?" His eyes looked down worriedly as you knew in his thoughts he was beating himself up. You couldn't help but feel bad.

"It's not that Luke, I love being friends with you but I, never mind."

"Katie please tell me. Please." His presence was now in front of you as his eyes were begging you to go on. You couldn't look a way.

"Luke, I like you. A lot. And I know that we don't know each other well or that we hang out a lot. But what I know of you and who you are. I like it. You are sweet to me, yet so caring and a wonderful person. You make me laugh, smile and make me feel good about myself. I can't help but liking you. I know that I will end up heartbroken and you will move on."

His eyes were wide as you finished your thoughts. He didn't say anything as the silence took over. You didn't know what he was thinking or how this will play out. You watched as he moved away from you and took a seat at your desk. His face still holding disbelief.

"You like me?" He looks to you before you nod answering his question. You leaned against the wall as you looked to him.

"I never suspected you to feel that way Katie. It's new to me. I mean you are a sweet girl but-"

"But you don't like me that way. I get it. No more explaining. Just please leave."

"No I wasn't going to say that. But I can't believe I never seen it before. I would love to see where it goes. You know us." Your breathing hitched as he walked over to you grabbing your hands in his.

"Are you serious.?" he nodded as he couldn't keep his smile back anymore. You joined in smiling quite widely. He let go of your hands before pulling you into a strong hug.

You stayed in his embrace. Feeling the whole world at piece. You just never knew why you didn't tell him sooner. Maybe speaking your feelings could be the best way of handling things instead of distancing yourself and hurting you both in someway.

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