Ashton || (Y/N)

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The little bundle of joy was placed In his arms as his smile broadened. His eyes stared to get glossy as he looked down at her small body. Her eyes opened as his finger brushed over her cheek he was in love with her, even though she had just arrived. He smiled up at the tired women laying in the hospital bed as her hazy eyes looked to them.

She knew this moment would he emotional. He came late but that didn't matter he was here now holding the beautiful thing they both created. Their eyes both darted to the doctor who looked worriedly at them both. He spoke a simple congratulations but his expression held more then happiness. His eyes darted to the bundle help in Ashton's arms as her grip was tightly on his finger.

The doctors words were stern and heartbreaking as he spoke of her condition. Ashton shifted in his seat as he looked to his wife for her feelings. Tears slipping down her cheeks as she looked to her daughter. She was born but cursed with something that could never be changed.

A soft apology came from the professionals lips before he left the room. Ashton didn't know what to think. He was a lost for words but one thing was for damn sure he would love her. No matter what she would fight with everyday he would be there by her side.

His wife wiped her tears as she looked to her lovely family. She couldn't be happier with who she married or yet who was brought into the world. No matter the struggles or the doctor bills that would pile up she loved them both. She wanted to make their lives everything that it needs to be she wanted them happy.

Ashton reached his hand out to his wife's as he squeezed it. Reassuring in such a gesture that everything will be fine. They will over power this. They will achieve these struggles together. She lazily smiled at him before closing her eyes. His hand slipped from hers as he placed it back to make sure his daughter was help secure.

"No matter what daddy will always love you and be there. You are my everything. I love you so much." He softly spoke as he pressed a delicate kiss to her forehead.

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