Calum || Melissa

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"you cant ditch out on your own party!" your friend groaned in annoyance as you kept decling the offer of actaully attending.

you shrugged. you were not the party kind of person, even if was for your birthday. you were okay with a few friends and family but no your best friend had to be over dramatic and invite the whole damn school. social gatherings weren't exactly how you pictured spending any night.

his name left her lips causing your head to snap towards her direction. "did you just say what i think you did?"

"yes Melissa, i said Calum will be there." her sly smirk was a indicature that it was her main choice to get him to come in a way to bribe you into going.

she always used his affection towards you to taunt you to come along, but the only reason you were interested in going was knowing that if he attended then his attractive friend Michael wouldnt be far behind, you started to think of the possiblities of what can happen between you to as you are placed in the situtation focusing on under age drinking, things seem to be going well in your favor if you attend this "party".

"fine, i will come." you watched as she smiled as you spoke the words she has been begging you to say.

she rushed you home instructing you to grab the sexiest dress you own. you quickly followed her orders before being pushed out of your room and then house. she kept telling you that tonight would be your night and everything was going to go perfectly.

you rolled your eyes not really feeling like this was the night but you couldn't help big get butterflies at the thought of something happening between you and Michael. without realising you were pushed into her bedroom. she smiled at you before grabbing her make-up bag and walking towards you.


Calum's POV.

"you sure she will actually come to her own birthday party?" I question Mikey for the hundredth time.

"Mate come on. stop doubting this you are sounding likes girl." he chuckled before pulling up to the house.

it wasn't to crowded and people seem to continue entering the house. I took a deep breath as I rubbed my palms against my jeans one last time before stepping out of the car. as we entered the house the music was loud as people just stood in groups chatting with one another. i felt a hand on my shoulder as michael looked to me, "remember Cal, tonight is all about that birthday sex." he whispered to me before walking off.

i rolled my eyes knowing that Melissa will possibly get birthday sex, but surely not from me. even though i wish i was able to be the one to cause her so much pleasure.

"drink up!" some guy exclaimed as he handed me a red cup. i nodded, knowing that being tense in this momment isnt the best thing. as i bring the cup to my lips, my eyes scan the room in hopes to find that one girl.

the liquid soon enters my mouth, my eyes widen as i spit the substance out at the sight of her. the black dress she is wearing is completely fitting to her figure and shorter then anything i have ever seen her in. the sheirk from the girl i spit my drink on caused me to look away. i notice Melissa looked over at me and the problem that has occured, i couldnt help the redness that formed across my face as i kept trying to apologize to the very uspet girl. but it more ended with her slapping me and storming away.

"you alright?" i looked up as my hand continued to rub the stinging flesh on my cheek.


shit why the fuck did i just stutter. i need to smooth this out before she questions anything further.

"happy brithday Melissa."

"thanks Cal, have you seen Mikey?" my heart dropped as his name left her lips.

"uh yeah he walked that way a little bit ago." i muttered feeling foolish.

"thanks." i watched as she walked away in hopes to find my best friend.

i soon moved through the crowd of people, happyily sitting on the empty couch i watched everyone grind on someone. my eyes landed on Melissa as she danced with a tipsy Michael. i couldnt think straight as she moved agaisnt him, that was meant to be me dancing with her not my best friend. as his lips are placed onto hers i lose it. i am quickly to my feet as i move through the horny teens, i pull them apart before pushing michael away from her.

"what the fuck Calum.?" her voice was loud as everyone stopped to look to us.

"this was your plan the whole night huh?"

"Cal, i never planned for any of that to happen. she started danicing on me and we kissed nothing was going to happen further then that." i listen as michael explained.

i looked to Melissa as her expression dropped. "what do you mean by that?"

"dont get me wrong you are a beautiful girl, but my best friend has feelings for you and it would be a dick move for me to have sex with the girl he likes." he shrugged as it was the simplest thing ever.

i watched as she looked to me. everyone knew i had feelings for her and i wouldnt doubt that she knew was well. "but i dont like him, Mikey i like you!" hearing the words leave her mouth made me feel like the whole world was crubling down.

"well i dont like you, so i guess you are screwed."

i watched as my best friend walked away leaving just me and Melissa standing in the middle of the room. her hand moved up to wipe underneath her eyes, as i guess she was crying. "Cal, i am so sorry that it came out like that. you are a nice guy but -" i held up my hand to stop her rambling.

"tell someone who cares." i mumbled before heading towards the door.


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