Ashton || Lucy

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Another ignored call.

It was passed midnight and he was meant to be home before eleven but by the looks of it he got a little preoccupied. You heard the front door open but the slam shut. You had a feeling it was Ashton. You walked out of the bedroom and looked around the corner towards the stairs. Soft sounds begin to ring through the house you eased down the steps.

Your eyes widened as they landed on him. His body pressed against a girls as he begin to kiss her neck. Her moans were load as he hips began to move against hers. The soft moan of his name was heard causing a groan to escape his lips.

You were sickened. This couldn't be happening. Well not now anyways. Her eyes landed on you as she removed her legs from around his waist. Ashton stopped his movements against her. Her manicured finger pointed towards you. Ashton turned around glaring at you. He whispered something to the girl as she nodded and headed past you and up the stairs.

"Lucy what are you doing here?"

"Movie night...remember?"

He was always forgetting things. Well mostly things that you guys use to do together.

"Lucy I texted you and told you I was busy." He groaned as his hand ran through his messy hair.

"I never got it..." You felt embarrassed at what you just witnessed and how he was yelling at you like a small child.

He walked closer to you but you stepped back. You kept muttering something under breath as you kept thought in your head that you had a chance.

"What are you saying?" Ashton questioned.

"I'm so fucking stupid!" You screamed as your hands gripped your hair tugging it.

"It's a common mistake - "

"No! NO! The only mistake was falling in love with my best friend!"

You rushed past him as tears soon streamed down your face. You started to walk home not knowing what he was going to say or wanting to know what he would have said.

Laying in your bed was how you spent each day. Your phone would ring but you never reached to answer It. People would knock on your door but keeping your silence they soon left. You stayed curled up in a ball knowing today was the annual movie night you and Ash always shared but you ran out in him a week ago.

"So this is how you are going to spend our movie night?"

You raised up in your bed to notice Ashton leaning against your door frame as he help some movies in his hands.


"Eh. No butts. Movie night is a movie night. I'll meet you downstairs."

You couldn't help but smile. He was here. He actually came. You rushed downstairs in time to see him place a movie in the DVD player.

"We have to talk first." He muttered patting the seat beside him.

"The other night was a little awkward but I heard what you said and I thought about it." His hand reached for yours as he looked at you. "Lucy you are a beautiful, sweet girl and my best friend but I'm not in love with you."

Your heart shattered. "Hey, don't you dare cry. I know you love me more then your meant to but that doesn't mean to toss this friendship to the side. I love hanging out with you." He pulled you into a hug as you nodded in agreement.

You didn't care that he didn't love you back but all that mattered was he still wanted you as a best friend. He click play on the movie. You mind started racing as you were curious about one thing.

"Did you have sex with that girl that other night?"

Ashton started coughing. "What?"

"I'm just curious I kind of ruined your game." You couldn't help but giggle.

"Nope still got it in. No game ruined." He said confidently causing you to burst out in laughter.

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