Calum || Brianna

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Calum stayed on his phone as the movie kept playing. He begged you to come over and this is what he does. You sighed getting more and more upset with him. The movie continues to play In the background as he seems to not care.

Best option is to talk to him right? Don't believe you haven't tried. He just nods and pretends to listen.

You notice a smirk on his face as he continues to type away at his phone you can't take this anymore.

"I can leave if you want." You spoke up.

"Nah your fine." He mumbles.

You moved closer to him wondering who he could be talking to. You knew everything about Calum. But when he acted like this you were dead set to see what was up. Calum barely talked to many girls, only he admitted they weren't his type.

Serious question was his best friend was a girl. But he never seemed bothered by it. You laid your head on his shoulder to see what has gotten his attention. His hid his phone as his eyes fixed to you.

"Brianna what are you doing?"

"I just was curious what was grabbing your attention all afternoon." You stated so innocently.

Calum put his phone up as he moved away from you. His attitude was crisp and annoying. You didn't know what to say to him. You tried talking to him. He wanted to watch movies with you but all he is doing is being in his phone. You get up from the couch grabbing your bag.

"Where are you going?' he question turning to look at you.

"I'm leaving it's obvious you don't want me here." You stated as you turned to open the door.

"I fucking invited you over. If I didn't want you here then I wouldn't have invited you." He stood behind you as he pressed his hand against the door.

you couldn't hold your annoyance anymore. he was pushing your buttons and he didn't even know it. you dropped your bag from the the floor as you turned to face him.

"if you don't want to me fucking leave then talk to me instead of being on your fucking phone the whole damn time. by the way you were looking at it you are more into that then spending time with your best friend. how about the person you were talking to be your new best friend."

he stepped away from you giving you more access to the door if you wanted to leave. but you wanted to hear what he had to say. his eyes were wide. his mouth slightly opened as he didn't say anything.

"I don't want them as my best friend. truth is I don't even want you as my best friend."

your heart shattered at his words. you looked away from him knowing you were going to cry. those words you swore were going to be the death of you. you felt him standing closer to you. you looked up at him about to protest. until his lips pressed to yours, the kiss was gentle. you kissed back soon placing your arms around his neck pulling him closer to you.

you never wanted to admit it but you loved Calum. not the love to a best friend but the love of someone you wan to spend the entirety with. he was the one you loved more then anything. and by the way his lips moved against yours you knew he felt the same.

he pulled away as his eyes just looked to yours. your blushed under his gaze causing a chuckle to come from him.

"Brianna, I want you to be more then my best friend. I want to kiss you any time of the day. be the person who gets to hold you as you sleep. I want to be the guy to show you how much he loves you every day. I want to grow old with you. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I love you."

after his little speech you kissed him yet again. this time going a little further. in a minor of minutes you were in Calum's bed as he hovered over you. his lips kissing your neck as your hands stayed in his hair.

"wait." you spoke causing him to pull away from you.

"what's wrong you said you wanted this."

"cal it's not that. I have a question." he nodded wanting you to carry on. as you were about to say something he cut you off.

"yes it's going to hurt but you'll be fine after awhile just trust me." you started to laugh. he looked at you confused. "not what you wanted to ask."

"what I really was going to ask was who were you texting?"

"really in this moment that's what you wanted to ask. I swear most girls would ask to suck me off before sex or if they can call me daddy but no you want to know who I was texting." you rolled your eyes.

"just answer the question daddy."

"it was Luke okay. now please can we finish what we started. because I swear if you call me daddy again I wouldn't be able to control myself." he had urgency in his voice as his lips went back to the assault on your neck.

"what were you guys discussing?" you moaned out as he found your sweet spot.

"he wanted to know if I told you I loved you yet. and then he was telling me I need to get my ass in gear. you happy now." his hips rolled into yours as you softly moaned his name.

"yes. daddy." you spoke quietly knowing what was going to happen now.

"you're going to get it now." he stern spoke causing you to giggle.

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