Ashton || (Y/N) pt. 2

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It's been a good four months since you last seen Ashton. That night you spent with him was everything you could ever wish for. You felt so bad for ignoring his calls. He would come over and knock on the door but you stayed positioned on your bed. He didn't know if you were home or not.

"Please just tell him." Your friend begged.

You thought so hard about telling him but the memory of him telling you that you aren't like every other girl just made it so much harder. He opened up to you the last time you talked to him. He expressed his need and what he was afraid to happen. He was just so humble and closed up.

"He doesn't need this on him." You muttered looking to your packed bag.

You hated just leaving but it was needed to happen. You couldn't push this on anyone else. This was what was meant to be. Your friend left, you were guessing as the front door opened an closed.

You placed your hand on your growing stomach. Everything was going to be fine if Ashton knew or not. You heard a knock on your bedroom door.

"I'm not talking about this with you. My decision is already made." You said loud enough for who you believed was behind your door.

"So ignoring me is your decision?"

You froze at the sound of his voice. He couldn't be here this is ruining everything. You heard his foot steps get closer to you. You kept your back turned to him. He placed his hands on your shoulders as you tensed.

"Why have you been ignoring me? Did I do something wrong?" He questioned as he moved the hair away from your neck. His lips lightly pressed against your neck. You couldn't think. "Talk to me."

"Ash please." You tried to think but as he continued to kiss your neck you couldn't.

You took a deep breath before moving away from him. You have to tell him. You knew that this was going to blow up in your face. But it needed to be done. You turned to face him. He didn't say anything. As he just looked at you.

"You're pregnant?"

You nodded.

"Whose the dad?" He questioned as he kept a good distance between you too.

You step closer to him. Placing your hand on his cheek as you brought his other hand to your growing stomach. "You."

He stepped away as he kept shaking his head. His eyes were wide as she just looked at you. "No. No." He kept repeating.

"Ashton it's true."

"You were just then. You used me.!" His voice was stern as he just stared at you.

"I swear i didn't. I was shocked when I found out. I didn't want to tell you. That's why I was leaving."

"You made me....made me feel things I never felt towards anyone in a long time. I just, I have to leave." He didn't say anything else before leaving. You stood alone in your bedroom. You knew this wasn't going to work out the way you planned. You couldn't leave undetected.

Ashton's POV.

I'm a dad? This couldn't be happening. It's just to much. I swore every time I fucked a girl I had protection but I guess with her I just forgot. I slump down against my door not knowing what to think.

She knows me better then anyone. I trusted her with everything. She makes me so happy. I just can't believe that I made the dumb mistake. I probably ruined her life. But she was trying to save mine.

What is there to my life? Fucking random girls use to make me happy, I guess. But then I met her. She just changed everything. She showed me so many different things. She helped me realize that it isn't just about sex anymore.

But her god. Her life she had planned out to a the end of time. She has so much going for her. But I ruined that. She is leaving to go start a life on her own while pregnant. Can I just let her do that? My chest hurts. I feel the need to cry and I don't even know why.

I just don't know what is happening to me. Not thinking about it anymore I get up from the floor. I have to be the man in this. I have to be there for her. I open my apartment door to see her friend going back inside. I rush over to the door before it closes.

"Where is she?" I question after barging in. I walk to her room and see everything is gone. Fuck she couldn't have left.

"She is on her way to the airport."

"Shit!" I rush out of the apartment. The elevator is to damn slow. I head down the stairs not wanting to waste time I have to get her.

Finally flagging down a cab I get in instructing him to rush to the airport. I can't believe I was so fucking stupid. I walked out on her making her decision so much more easier. I can't let her go I can't. He pulls up to the airport. I pull out someone money handing it to him before rushing in.

Damn this place is crowded. I start weaving through the crowd looking for her anywhere. I can't help but call her name hoping just hoping she will reply. I have to find her. I get as far as I can go. I take one last chance and call her name. Please oh god please let her still be in here.


I turn around to see her standing with a bag at her side. I embrace her in a hug not even thinking about anything. She drops her bag before hugging me back.

"I can let you go. I just can't."

"Ashton, it's for the best. You just need to understand that. I can't mess up your life." Her eyes didn't meet mine as she looked off and pulled away from the embrace.

"Hey, ever since our first nigh together my life has been great. When I left you that night you never left my mind. You still haven't. You have changed my view in everything. I was only interested with sex, not the person I was fucking. But you changed that. You made me feel something I never felt for someone else, love. I love you." Thank god I finally got it out.


"Just please don't leave. You are the best thing to happen to me. I can't let you leave. Not now nor ever." I pull her into me again.

"I wouldn't." I hug her tighter as those words leave her beautiful lips.

I hear her complaint at my tight hold and then I remember. I feel my cheeks heat up. This girl does something to me. I rub the back of my neck not really knowing what to say or do since everything was already expressed.

"So....What now?" I question.

She didn't say anything as she pressed her lips to mine. I was relieved that she wasn't gone, I was thankful she stayed.

"I love you. God do I ever." I mumbled pulling back from the kiss.

"Ashton, I love you too."

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