Luke || Holly

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His blonde hair was perfectly placed as you watched him swing beside you. His smile was broad as he kept getting higher and higher. You couldn't help your stares as you slowly moved back and forth. The screams of your classmates was intense and you knew they loved recess as much as you did.

Looking back to the swing beside you, you realized it was empty. A pair of hands was pressed against your back as you were pushed forward. You looked behind you to see Luke. He was still smiling wide as he pushed you.

Your smile grew as you started to get higher. You couldn't help but giggle, enjoying the moment. The bell rang causing you to sigh. Luke grabbed the swing causing it to stop moving. You felt him against your back as you both watched all the kids run inside.

"Lets stay out here." Luke spoke up. You nodded not really wanting to go inside just yet.

He stayed behind you as the playground was completely empty. You kept your head down as you blushed a little. Being a young age you still knew Luke was special. He made your heart sped up. A crush was a serious thing. It was like committing yourself to someone and that one person only.

Luke was everyone's crush but they hated his bonding with you. You remember before recess. Sally pigtails came up to him and invite him into her groups game of tag. He declined as he stated you guys were swinging together. She glared at you before skipping off.

"Holly?" You looked up to notice him now standing in front of you as he waves his hands.

"Sorry." You mumble. "What did you say.?"

"I said do you wanna go to the old tree?" You quietly replied as he grabbed your hand in his and helped you up from the swing. Your hand stayed in his as he led you to the no-zone.

No-zone, was a place no kid was meant to go during recess. If spotted near there, you had to be inside for two weeks while everyone else got to play. It was every kids nightmare. But Luke. He loved the old tree. You didn't understand why he did but you noticed his excitement as you guys got closer to it.

Making up to the tree he let go of your hand as he pressed his against the old chipped bark of the tree. "Holly, this will forever be our tree." He stated. You nodded agreeing. Seating himself against it you couldn't help but join him.

You both didn't speak as the sound of nature surrounded you guys. You heard Luke clear his throat as you looked to him. "Have you ever kissed anyone.?"

You shook your head no. "Neither have I."

Kissing was something that everyone done. It wasn't a big deal. You know been 10 kissing wasn't as loyal as it was for teenagers. You remember hearing your older sister cry as Jimmy didn't kiss her. You never got to know if he did or not. Luke moved to where he was placed in front of you. His blue eyes bright as he puckered his lips and leaned in, his eyes screwed shut.

You did the same. The feeling of his lips pressed against yours was weird. You pulled away after five seconds of contact. Luke's eyes opened as he looked at you. He smiled the smile he always did when he thought of something.

"You're now my girlfriend." He stated grabbing your hand in his as he held it firmly.


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