Ashton || Emma

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She was prepared. more prepared then she expected herself to be for this occasion. everyone was telling her to dress nice and be there later then expected. she couldnt help but get nervous as her hands were clutching the steering wheel with a little more force. her early presnce wasn't needed nor wanted by anyone, but she couldnt contain her nerves.

She continued to think of everything while she stayed sitting in the parking lot. she noticed people she knew and some she didnt walking onto the small beach. this all was getting to real she had a strange feeling all of this was based on something Ashton had planned.

He was always up to something and since his text message she has been a little excited to see what he had planned. Her massive crush on him never subsided through everything and lucky for her he already knew such a sercet. she wasnt scared of his rejection or anything that would come with the truth being placed out.

He instructed he wanted to get to know her, and to be truthfully honest he knows her better then anyone. she gave him something she could never give to anyone else, and during the heat of the moment he muttered that she was his. that moment had placed further down the road with little meets and everything in between. she would be a fool to not say she didnt love him, because she did.

He was everything to her, she couldnt ask for anyone better. he had everything she wanted in a guy and she had a feeling that he felt the same about her. some would say she was obsessed with him, but she knew that truth. the affection between them both was like a burning fire and there would be nothing to vanish the flame.

7:30pm...time was precceding faster then she thought they would. her time to arive onto the beach was coming up and all she needed to see was his familar face to inginte her chances of leaving her car. she never noticed her hand playing with the pendent on her neckalce. the same necklace he had given her on her birthday.

She never went anywhere without it on. as she spotted the familair friends of his she took a deep breath and exited her vehicle. she called their names causing them to turn around. their expression went from happy to worried in minutes. they rushed to her as they started to look around. she didnt understand their weird behavior.

"Emma, what are you doing here?" Calum questioned as he looked to her before looking around again.

"Ashton invited me...why are you guys acting so strange?"

Before they could say anything you spotted him. he lookd breath taking as he approached everyone. he smiled a big smile as he looked into the crowd, she didnt know why he was looking over there being so happy when she were standing over here with his best friends. but them she spotted her running to him as she engulfed him into a hug.

"Shit." you heard Luke mutter under his breath as they all watched on.

When Ashton's lips pressed to hers, Emma's heart ached with pain. she blinked a couple times hoping this wasnt true and this was just a dream. but she was stayed shocked as she watched him remove himself from her as he sunk down to one knee. everyone's attention was placed on them, and she knew she couldnt look away from this no matter how hard she would try she just couldnt.

"Kenzie, i love you more then anything. you are the only girl that means everything to me in this world and i would be a fool to let you go -"

Emma gripped Micheal's forearm as she felt light headed. he cant be doing this, not now. her hearing zoned out as he spoke but from her crying and sqealing she knew that she said yes. he stood up and pressed his lips to hers after placing the ring on her finger. Emma's heart now was in shambles and no one was able to fix that.

She stayed near her vehicle as the boys tried explaining everything to her. she was just used by him. he played her to get the girl he loved back. no matter how many times she denied it and the guys were furthering explaining it all. they tried consoling her as her tears were getting a little out of control. they stayed talking to her, ignoring their best friends party of congrats going around.

As the party soon vanished she made sure they left, muttering that she would be fine. she placed her self in the sand as the ocean was hitting her feet with each wave that came to the shore. she sighed, everything she ever dreamed of was going down the drain and she couldnt stop it. she reached up behind her neck to unclasp the necklace that stayed around her neck.

She held the pendent in her hands as she let her fingers move over it. she glaced to the ocean as the waves were crashing more harsly onto the sandy shore. she stood to her feet as she kept her gaze on the water. clutching her hand tightly she reved her hand back before tossing the necklace into the ocean. she watched it disapear like her hopes and dreams, never to be seen again.

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