Luke || Kim

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"Mom do i have to go to school?" i ask my mom.

I haven't really been wanting to go to school that much anymore since i've been picked on everyday by Luke Hemmings. I don't know why he picks at me but he does and i was lucky my mom signed me out yesterday.

"Honey you have to go" she sweetly says before walking out of the house.

I sigh, i go to my room and hurry up and get dressed in my favorite Nirvana t shirt and skinny jeans before walking out of my room and back down stairs. I slip on my vans before walking out the door, walking towards the school i hear a voice behind me. I glance over my shoulder and spot Luke. He walks closer to me stepping on the back of my heels, i almost fall on my face. All i hear is his laughter and everyone elses around me. I regroup before walking into school and heading straight to first period. I notice im the first on in there as usual, but i dont care i rather come in early then late and let Luke prank me and embrass me infront of everyone again.

"Hello Kim" Mrs. Jones says walking into the room.

"Hello" i greet her.

Soon enough everyone starts pileing into the classroom. I keep my eyes on the board as Mrs. Jones writes our question of the day. As soon as the bell rings she stops writing and turns towards the class.

"Okay class queit down" she instructs.

Everyone begins to quiet down, but Luke's group of friends in the back of the room. His group is always the loudest.

"So who can answer the question that i've writen on the board?" she asks.

I raise my hand, knowing the answer and explaination for my answer.

"Suck up" i hear Luke mutter from behind me.

"Mr. Hemmings would you like to answer the question?" she calls him out.

He shakes his head no before sinking back down into his chair. I smile knowing he doesnt like being called out on things, this gives me an idea. Soon class ends and everyone rushes to the door, i take a dep breath knowing what i have to do. As i make it into the hallway i turn around to soon become face to face with Luke.

"You made me look like a fool" he states.

"Well if you would pay attention in class you might know the answer to the question" i fire back.

"You're a smart ass."

"Why always pick at me Luke?" i ask.

"B-Because" he begins to stutter.

"Becuase why? Do like to see other people cry? Do like to hurt people emotionly?" i ask walking closer to him, he soon starts backing away from me until his back is againt the lockers.

"No" he finally speaks.

"Then why?" i ask, waiting for answer.

I look into his blue eyes waiting for him to say something. He grabs my face in his hands before crashing his lips on mine. I'm shocked at his action, not knowing what to think about all of this. He pulls back and looks at me as he lays his forehead against mine.

"I love you Kim" he mutters.

"You love me?" i ask making sure i heard him right.

"Yes love, thats why i pick at you because i was afriad to tell you and i didnt know who to get your attention" he says with a little smile.

I smile back, thinking its cute he tried to get my attention but weird that he had to pick at me every day of my life to get it. He still holding my face in his hands, i watch him carefully as he brings his lips to mine again. This time i kiss back, happily knowing that everything will finally be perfect.

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