Luke || Anina

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There you stood standing looking down at the water crash against the rocks with aggression. Were you really going to so this? You hated waking up everyone morning feeling the same emptiness. The feeling had to leave and you only knew one way to get it to stop. You grip the railing as you swung on leg over. Soon standing on the edge you knew you know had a choice.

His name fluttered in your mind. He caused the emptiness. He caused the pain you feel. But he doesn't care, truth is he never cared. Your hands get sweaty as you hold on to the rail. The flickers in your mind of you falling just make you want to step back over and never think of this again.

But you couldn't live with the pain. You can't sped every day thinking of the good times then the bad times rushing in causing you more heartache. You knew he wasn't in the same situation. He had friends all around him at every moment. A friend that would always have his back. But you were alone.

You had friends. Yes. But they wouldn't mind any of this they could call you stupid and say that you are making a mistake but that doesn't mean they would be there the second time. You need someone that actually gave a shit about you but he left you. He left you with nothing.

You closed your eyes as you tried to focus on the task at hand. This was it. No more scars and pain. With one loose grip of your hand it would all be done. You are alone in this world and you can't handle the feeling any longer. You slowly removed your fingers from the rail as you started to fall.


L U K E 

How could she be so fucking stupid? I thought as I held onto her wrist. She had her eyes closed, mostly excepting the fall. But I'm not letting it happen. Her eyes opened as she looked to me. My hands held tightly to keep her from falling. She looked to where I was holding her before looking down at where she could have been.

"Luke let me go." She stated. I shook my head. Over my dead body am I going to let her kill herself over some asshole. She sighed as she didn't try to pull herself up. I groan as I pull her back over the rail. She falls on top of me.

I watch in shock as she gets up and heads back to the rail. She has lost her mind. I stand up quickly wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her away. She screamed and begged for me to let her go.

"Anina, I can't let you do this." I stated as she soon started to cry.

I didn't know what was going to happen when I got here. Ashton told me she wouldn't answer her phone, also that he heard someone say that they saw her car parked at the old bridge. Right away I knew what she was going to do. I cared to much for her to let her do this to herself. Seeing scars on her wrists is enough pain to go through. I can't lose her.

I lead her to my car as she continued to sob. I was furious with the bastard who caused her so much pain. But I knew driving to his house right now would not help her situation. Her body started to shake as she leaned her head against the window. I look to a girl whose smile was my everything. And to see her broken and hurt isn't something I ever want to see again.

Pulling up to my house I got out of the car quickly. Opening the door to her side I picked her up bridal style as I headed to the front door. Entering the house I take her to my room laying her down on the bed. I watch as the shattered girl curled up bringing her knees to her chest as she cried.

I wanted to hold her and tell her everything would be okay but I don't think at this point she would believe any of that. I walked out of the room. I decided to make her something to eat in hopes that will help in any situation. I re-enter the room to find her calmed down and her back pressed against the head board as she stares off.

"Anina, I brought you food." I spoke placing the sandwich on the bedside table. She looked to me and then then food. She shook her head and looked back ahead.

"Why didn't you let me do it.?" She broke the silence as I just stood there. I couldn't express the dying affection I had for her. I just couldn't.

"It wasn't worth it. I mean you killing yourself." She looked to me as I took a seat at the edge of the bed. She shook her head before looking away.

"Luke you don't understand the emptiness I feel on a daily basis. He was my everything. And he just one day gets tired and shows me his true colors. It hurts Luke. And I can't live like this. I can live with the guilt of wanting it to end and the guilt of it actually being over." Her eyes started to water as she looked away from me.

I moved to where she was sitting. I moved her body closer to me. She hugged me tightly as she cried. I ran my hand up and down her back in calming gesture. I moved her away to get her under the blanket that was draped over the bed. I getting in with her she went back to holding onto me as she sobbed.

"All I want is for someone to care and to actually mean it. That's all I want. I just want someone to love me." Her words and sobs got softer as her eye lids dropped. She was fast asleep.

I took a deep breath knowing she wouldn't be able to comprehended what I am saying but it needs to be noted. "I care Anina, I always have and will always care. I love you." With my last words I kissed her forehead and closed me eyes enjoying her embrace. Knowing it will never be like this again.

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