Michael || Nora

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He was begging her. She knew she should have to say yes sooner or later. The friendship that was shared between them was something magical. You would envy how close they were but with the look they shared with one each other did they want more.?

Yes, Michael had admitted to his other friends that his dream was to hold her in his arms as he expressed his dying love for her. But her dream wasn't just that. Her dream was to just be able to express the words she felt.

Nora, she wasn't like all the other girls. Michael loved her for that. She was just a quiet girl that loved the things she loved. Her choices were her choices and no one could change her mind in what was already set.

But he knew how to break those walls and the no that she declared. He would beg and in a final moment she would agree which involved Michael's pure happiness.

But this was harder then he thought. She had her foot down as she kept telling him no. Who would want to go camping? Michael sure was excited about it but he wanted Nora with him to enjoy it.

She wanted to go, god did she ever. But out in the woods at night just freaked her out. She knew Michael would protect her if anything happened but she couldn't go dreaming of something that may never happen.

"The guys are coming as well. Just pleaes Nora." There he was trying to sweeten the deal.

Nora took at deep breath knowing just knowing she wasn't gong to win this one. She sighed before agreeing. Michael was placed with joy as he hugged her tightly. He had a plan for tonight. The night everything was going to be expressed, and he might actually have her in the way he always wanted.

He offered to help her with her things, but she swore she had it. Michael couldnt get enough of her i-can-do-it-myself attitude. He rolled his eyes before laughing. With a lot of groans and grunts Nora got her stuff in the back of his car, already having to deal with all of Michael's stuff being pilled in there.

The car ride was silent as none of them knew what to say. Nora was regretting even telling him she would come, everything was going to be pushed around with what the guys wanted to do and she knew she would be left alone in the woods with nothing to do. Well Michael was thinking of how his plan was going to work, he knew the guys already had plans but he was curious did she think he would leave her alone,by herself, in the middle of the woods?

Ad they parked beside Ashton and Luke's car, Michael made sure to tell her sternly that she isnt going to be placing anything anywhere and to let the men do it. Nora couldnt help but laugh at his comment that they were men. She looked towards where Ashton stood as he watched Calum and Luke sword fight with sticks.

"Yeah men."

She exited the vehicle as she laughed. Michael couldnt help but smile, he shook his head before getting out. He decided to unpack everything from the car before she could say he is doing something wrong and jump in and demand the he should do something else. Thankfully they got the tents and everything placed where needed before she could get tired of all of them messing up.

The campfire was warm and in a blaze as the all sat around it. Nora was beside Ashton as they talked and started to laugh. Michael couldnt help but get jeaouls, she was his best friend not Ashton's. His jealousy was buring like that fire in front of him, and all he could think about was chocking Ashton. Nora could feel Michael's harsh stares as she continued to talk with Ashton, she needed his insight and she was figuring out things she didnt understand.

She slowly placed her head against his shoulder as she closed her eyes. In a short minute she was pulled back to her feet as the warmth of the fire was leaving her. Her eyes were soon locked with an anry Michael's.

"What the hell Mikey?!"

He had no response as he just looked at her in rage, so many things were going through his head he jsut couldnt thing. He knew she was yelling at him in some way, just by the way her lips were moving and her hands were making some weird motion. He decided to do something, he quickly pressed his lips to hers. It was such an amzing feeling, he loved the way her lips felt agaisnt his. As her hands slipped into his hair he knew she was liking it as much as he was.

Nora was puzzled, he was kissing her and she was kissing him back. Everything she was pissed at minutes ago has vanished. His hands were on his hips as he brought her body closer to his. He pulled away, as he just held her to him. "Nora -"

"You're an asshole. A complete jerk at times And one of the biggest weirdos i have ever met. But Michael i love you."

His lips pressed to hers briefly before he pulled away. "I love you so much."

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