Michael || Mikayla

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The rain was coming down more heavily than before. You stayed placed out on the curb wondering how stupid could you be. You came all the way to his house, knocked on his door, and was humilated by his - what - girlfriend. You couldnt help but believe everything she said and it was obvious he never liked you. How could you be so foolish? He was everything to you and you just let him be that. You could have been perfectly fine with being friends but he had to creep into your mind and give you what hope?

You couldnt help but laugh at yourself, you are pathetic. Everyone saw it. His friends told you to not think that things will happen but what did you do, you thought of a life with him. Him loving you and you loving him. Your hands ran through your soaked hair as you tried to think of all of this. He gave you signs that he wasnt intrerested but you were so caught up in the idea of him that you never noticed.

He is probably laughing with his lady person at how dumb you are. No doubt that he doesn't feel a single feeling towards you, or that you are stuck outside in front of his house with no form of energy to head home. Your pride is crushed and scattered into pieces, you are just following him like a lost puppy. You couldn't believe any of this, none of this is a normal action for you. Following a guy, and creeping at his house? Someone would think you were planning to kill him, but others would suspect that you were a stalker of some sort.

It all looked to be that way and you just needed a form of reality check. Just anything. If on cue a car came rushing by as their tire hit the nearest puddle splashing mud all over you. This had to be the worst night in your whole entire life, and nothing could make it worse.



You stayed sitting where you were hoping he wouldnt notice you but as his voice got closer and your name was called many times, you knew he wouldnt just leave. You stood up wipping some of the mud off of you as you tried to act cool. "Hey Michael."

"What the hell are you doing out here in the rain?" He questioned keeping the hood of his hoodie on his head.

"You know me, rain soothes me." You awkwardly laughed.

He didnt believe you, you knew that by the way he just looked at you. The rain was coming down harder than it was earlier and this was just getting weird. He didnt need to be out here, he needed to be inside with her and you needed to just fall off the face of the earth. It's what was needed to be done.


"Mikey, i am fine. Just go back inside with your girlfriend or whatever she is and enjoy your night."

"Here..." You watched as he took off his hoodie and handed it to you. You shook your head decling the offer but he pushed it towards you. He was so stubborn. You took the hoodie from his as you quickly put it on.

It wouldn't have helped anything as you were already soaked. But it was a nice thing to do. He started to rock back and forth on his feet as you both didn't know what to say. He ignored your protest about a girlfriend, declaring your assumption was right. You both looked to the house as the sound of something smashing grabbed your attention.

"Wanna go for a walk?" You didnt answer as he grabbed your forearm and pulled you aling with him.

He kept looking back as the house was getting further from view. The walk was silent minus the sound of rain crashing down. You didnt lie as you said it soothed you. The silence was killing you, he needed to say something anything to get you think this wasnt something that you would have to cry yourself to sleep with.

"Sorry about....um her.."

"No worries Mikey, all I care is that you are happy with her.."

"Happy." He chuckled at the word. "I am far from happy."

"But she seemed, what's the world sweet." Sarcasm was placed in your voice.

"Yeah so sweet she was breaking most of what i own when i told her i was going outside to make sure you were alright."

You stopped and looked to him, he was worried about you? No, he couldnt have been worried about you not when he has her. He stopped, his eyes searched for something, anything. "You should get back to you know your house."

"Mikayla, i don't want to go back." he stepped closer to you. "Not without you."

His hand moved to your cheek as he wiped some mud off of your face. Your mind was in wonderstruck at all of this. But you couldnt help but think this was another part of his game. Stepping away you began to shake your head.

"I can't be apart of your game anymore."


"You know what i am talking about Michael, you used me. I was the fool who fell to hard for you. I can't go back to that feeling. I just can't."

"Hey i never done any of that. I didnt know you cared for me in anyway, everyone told me you saw me as just a friend. "


"No Michael i love you." You moved your hand to cover your mouth. shit. shit. fuck.

"You love me?" He stepped closer to you.

You couldnt help but nod. It all came out and he was standing in front of you and not running away. He loved you. As you guys started to lean in a car came to a screaching stop.

"Fuck you Michael!" Something was through in your direction causing you to move. The sound of him groaning as he fell to the ground as the car sped off.

"You okay?"

"Yeah just next time my psycho ex throws something dont use me as a human sheild." You laughed.

"Deal. What can i do to make the pain go away?" You questioned smirking at him as your crouched down beside him.

"Kiss me." He pouted as you rolled your eyes before pressing your lips to his.

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