Micheal || Amber

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It's pointless.

You've had the same speech by everyone for a year now. The more the speech you about the it the more you find yourself wanting to do it. You stay standing in the bathroom with the one thing that could take the pain away.

"Just one cut. Nothing to drastic." You mumbled as you inched the blade closer to your skin.

Your eyes stayed fixed on the blood the comes to surface as the blade goes across your skin. You can't help but to add more lines. The more the lines the more you forget. As you finally reach the last line you want to add you hear his voice ring through the house.

"Shit." You curse as you drop the blade on the floor.

His footsteps get closer. You tried grabbing it and placing it back in your hiding spot but one thing was obvious that you have restarted - the blood. It was still present from the cuts and the little droplets on the sink. Either way you were screwed.

"Amber, are you in there?" His knuckles knocked against the wood separating the love of your life from finding your mistake.

"J-Just a minute Michael." Fuck, you stuttered. Now he will know something is up.

The door nob turns. Facing the tub your back to him as the door opens. He questions you with the simple phrase - are you okay? - you just nodded your head wanting him to leave.

"Amber something is wrong I-" His sentence was cut short. You didn't know what was going on.

You felt his hands grab your shoulders turning you to look at him. His eyes go wide with the bloody lines on your arm. You look away from him as you await the same speech from everyone. He grabs your wrist in his hand.

You watch as he gets a rag and wipes away the blood that has dried. He gestures for you to sit in the edge of the bathtub. You do as he said, watching with shock you see him clean up the bathroom. Wiping away any blood that covered a surface.

"I'll take that." You speak up as he holds the blade in his hand.

"No, we need this." His voice was so distant. Nothing was shown in his eyes as he glanced at you.

After all the blood was wiped up from the bathroom he grabbed your hand. He gestures you again to sit down. You were scared at what might happen. But you obey and take a seat at the edge of the bed. He sits beside you as he hands you the blade. Now you were extremely confused.

"I want you to cut me."

"No Michael I can't do that."

He moves his arm over to you. "Grab my arm Amber." His voice was so demanding. "Grab it!"

You shakily grabbed his arm. This was weird you never want to hurt him in anyway why was he making you.

"Why are you making me do this.?" Tears streamed down you cheeks.

"If you can harm yourself then you can harm me." He closed his eyes. "Now keep a hold of my wrist and cut all you want."

"I can't hurt you like that Michael, I just can't. " You let go of his wrist and drop the blade to the floor.

"You can hurt yourself in that way then why not do me the same way?"

He had a point, well if You were thinking about it. Harming myself is liking harming someone else. You never realized it because it seemed stupid. You harming yourself you are also harming the ones you love and who love you. You never wanted to do that in anyway.

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