Calum || Amber

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There he was. Calum Hood, the boy who you have been crushing on since he moved in next door to you. You watch as he walks to his lunch table with his best mates. You hear Calumny laugh as he sits beside Luke. Watching him has became apart of your daily routine. Explaining to yourself that it's not stalking, it's just keeping an eye on him. You take a bite of your sandwich as you continue to stare at him.

"You're such a loser."

You turn around to see Sammy standing behind you. Her group of friends just laugh at her rude comment.

"No wonder you eat alone, no one likes your stupid ass" Her high pitched voice says.

Everyone in the cafeteria turns their attention to her. You look to Calum and his friends starring at you. You cheeks hear up in embarrassment as Sammy continues her assault.

"Keeping shoving your face fatass" she snarled.

"Shut the fuck up Sammy."

My head shoots up at the sound of someone's voice. Looking up you see Calum walking over to your table.

"Don't stick up for her, Cal." Sammy snaps.

"You're a bitch and you need to leave Amber alone."

Wait he knows my name? Calum Hood knows my name!

"Whatever!" Sammy mumbles before walking off.

You sit there shocked not knowing what to say.

"There's nothing left to see here people, get back to your lunch" Ashton speaks up, as everyone turns their attentions back to their lunches You look back to Calum.

"You okay?" he questions as he takes a next to you.

You can't believe this, your crush is sitting beside you after he stuck up for you.

You nod your head not knowing exactly to say to him. He sits there, he grabs some of your chips. Eating your food you feel pretty happy.

"Thanks" you finally mumble.

"No problem, Sammy always has to be a bitch to all the pretty girls but I'm not going to let her pick at you."

Did he just say I was pretty?

"So I was wondering, wanna come over and hang out after school? You don't have to go far since we are neighbors." he says with a little chuckle.

"Yeah, I'll like that" you reply.

"Great, see you after school" he says getting up from the seat beside you. He gives you a little wink before walking back to his group of friends.

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