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It's about 1 am and my mind is just starting to mess with me so I guess I should make an entry!
So everything has been a little bit better lately actually. It's probably because I've been busier and had less time to overthink, but it's still a blessing. I've done some really cool and fun things lately, and I have some really fun things coming up. Yesterday, I went to NYC with 3 friends to meet up with one of my internet friends. We met up, two of my friends had never met them before, but everyone got along amazing and we had so so so much fun. I miss them already. But after we left their apartment, we decided to go to Times Square for a little to take some pictures and hang out. It was only 10pm so we had some time. As soon as we got to Times Square, we realized that there was a black lives matter protest going on, and we joined. Everyone was chanting and marching and we all sat down in the street. The police were on a loudspeaker announcing that if we didn't clear the street we would be arrested for disorderly conduct, and we just chanted over it. It was one of the most surreal experiences I've had, and it made the entire cause so much more real to me. I feel lucky that I got to be apart of it.
I really feel like i should get back to drawing more. I haven't in weeks, and I feel like i should. But I've been kind of a mess, i got a really bad sunburn and I've been trying to recover and I'm leaving for a week vacation out west in 2 days, I haven't even thought about packing. Whoops :)
One thing that is really good is i feel great about my friends right now. Everyone is so wonderful lately and I've been spending time with them and it's been so good and so fun. I'm genuinely lucky to have such amazing people in my life. I love them.
I feel pretty content. There might be an underlying layer of chaos but when is there not? I'm doing okay. I actually really am. And now I'm suddenly exhausted, so I'm going to sleep.
Hopefully it will be a while until my next entry, but if not, I have this and I'm thankful for it. 

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