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I feel wonderful.
Haha weird right? No but really, I feel content to the point of happy tears for so many reasons, and I thought since most of what I do is complain in this journal, It would be nice to list the reasons why I feel wonderful.
1. I just took a 10 minute nap, and now I feel refreshed. Also my blanket is very warm.
2. I have tomorrow, Monday, and Tuesday off of school.
3. I don't have to talk to any of my irl friends this weekend, which sounds bad but it's actually so nice to have some time to relax. I like just texting people sometimes.
4. There is only 18 days until the troye concert. I'm beyond thrilled and excited.
5. I might be meeting one of my internet friends monday :))
6. My aunt came into town for the first time in a year today, and right now i can hear her and my mom baking homemade pretzels downstairs. It is such a nice, lovely scene.
7. I am on good terms with pretty much everyone important to me in my life right now.
8. I have been feeling disgusting and fat and gross and out of shape and depressed all week, but I got my period yesterday and now i feel fine. I don't know how it is for other girls, but I only feel like shit during PMS. Once I get my period, everything gets better, I just feel better! (except for the blood and the cramps ofc but still)
9. I have awesome internet friends :)
10. I am finally learning to appreciate little bursts of happiness. Most of the time, I am okay, but this is a moment where stress, sadness and rush seem far away. I am going to appreciate it, because it might end at any time.
It's ending a little bit. It was probably just because i was feeling good after my nap. But i still feel better then i have in a while. I am going go read my book, feel the warmth of my bed, and be at peace.

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