Now is the time of year where we fight for the finish line.
it seems that the assignments and projects and tests are piling up, all leading up to the conclusion of my THIRD year of high school. I can't believe i'm going to be a senior. But putting that aside, i'm just trying to finish junior year without failing any classes or getting too overwhelmed. And this weekend was great; went to an amazing concert, met lots of new friends. Woke up sick today, so i missed another day, which means more makeup work. But here's the thing that keeps me getting through it. My mom always says this to me when i'm overwhelmed, when it seems like i have too much to accomplish. She will say to me, "sarah, there will be enough time. it may not seem like there will be, but there is." and for some reason, this always eases my mind just a little bit. Because however late i am on an assignment, or however behind i am in a class, i can catch up. Because i have enough time. and soon the time will end and it will be time for summer.
This is it. My final high school summer, my final summer securly in my home town. I am going to spend every waking moment making the most of it. And it's only a month away. The excitement is KILLING ME. I genuinely can't wait.
20 more school days of junior year.
AcakIf you have chosen to read this, thank you. I hope i can relate to things going on in your life and give some insight on how to get through hard situations. All stories are true, all thoughts are mine. -Sarah