neon crimson

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soft, sweet
so delicate that my voice would break the notes and the chords. I wouldn't dare to sing it, i would simply not be able to cary the quiet beauty.
similar to a soft night where the sun fades with a smudge of pastels into a starry sky.
Low light beneath a blanket with someone warm.
open air moving your hair with it as it blows through a field on a summer evening.
Softly holding the hand of someone you love with all your heart.
major, but minor. envokes a feeling of hope, and one of despair, but in the most light and beautiful way. Something you can ignore as you gaze at the sky.
other wordly.
each component easily weaving together and carrying you with such ease.
not talking, just thinking.
a good, silent cry after a lonely feeling night.
someone playing with your hand and kissing your cheek.
a smooth, warm breeze as you rest your head on someone's shoulder.
peace. everything completely coming together without you needing to realize it is happening.

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