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So I haven't written for so long, because everything has felt basically right with the world. But tonight for some reason, I got the urge to write because I just felt like i needed to, and that is what this is here for.
After I write this, I'm going straight to sleep because I am definitely sleep deprived, because i'm a terrible procrastinator and I can't seem to get my shit done soon enough. I always wait until the last minute to do my homework, which leads to me starting it at like 9 every night and then I finish at like 11:30 and go to bed at 12. At least i'm not doing it in the morning like I did sophomore year. But since I go to bed at/past 12 every night, I get less than 6 hours of sleep, and I end up exhausted. I don't always feel it at first, but It's there. I spend more time at school during the week then sleeping. If you calculate it, I spend 35 hours at school during a normal week (not including after-school activities), and from sunday night to thursday night, I get an average of 30 hours of sleep maximum. That is just not enough sleep, I don't know why I do that to myself. I pretty much fall asleep after school every day, and I've been falling asleep in my classes, so i probably shouldn't even be up writing this. But I just wanted to say, I know that junior year is going to start kicking my butt, I can see it starting to happen, and I'm stressed. But i think I can handle it. I'm going to go get my six hours of sleep now, even though i said i'd go to bed at 11:30 and it's now 11:55 (god help me)
Ill probably end up writing more soon; I have a lot on my mind, but I need to sleep now.

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