His Favorite Kisses

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Why not start off with something cute?


He loves passionate kisses. Let's face it, this adorable blondie isn't the best with words. He can't tell you how much he loves you and how much you mean to him; there just aren't enough words in the dictionary! So he likes to shows you instead!


He likes angel kisses the best. Your eyes have always been his favorite traits of yours and he knows that you aren't too fond of them, so every chance he gets, he's brushing his lips against your eyelids. Plus, this gives him an excuse to call you 'Angel'!


Butterfly kisses are his favorite. These aren't exactly kisses, but he loves them nonetheless. He loves your smile and butterfly kisses never fail to make you smile. He'd do practically anything to keep that beautiful smile on your face.


His favorite are hand kisses. Yes, this is a bit strange coming from someone labeled a pervert, but just listen. Hand kisses are usually a sign of respect or love, in this case it's both. He just wants to show you that he loves and respects you just as much as any other good boyfriend would, maybe even more.


Eskimo kisses are without a doubt his favorite, even though these aren't really kisses either. Zane loves cute things and you blushing is probably the cutest thing he's ever seen. Eskimo kisses are the easiest way to make you blush and he loves it; he loves you.


Surprise kisses are his favorite. He loves to kiss you at the most random times. Whether you be reading, watching TV, or even talking, his lips will always find their way to yours. Plus, you always get super flustered when ever he kisses you without warning and he finds it absolutely adorable.

I think these are incredibly cute. What do y'all think?

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