You Turn Into A Baby

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Suggested by PPOMGACH
Thank you for the suggestion! Fun fact about me: I love babies. I was really looking forward to writing this just so I could write about babies.


"Aww, where did you come from?" Garroth cooed softly at you. He picked you up from the floor and smiled.

"You're adorable! (Y/N) would love you, but I don't know where she went..." Garroth looked around your living room. You smiled at Garroth and started babbling in you're baby talk. Garroth awed again and kissed your head.

"Oh well, I guess I should at least feed you before figuring out what to do with you." Garroth started walking to the kitchen. You suddenly became very scared. What if you never turn back to being an adult? What if you're sent away to some weird family? ...What if you have to go through puberty again? You started to cry, your emotions heightened from being a baby. Garroth gasped and started bouncing you gently.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you hungry?" You shook your head, your cries becoming louder. Garroth started to panic slightly.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" You shook your head again and made grabby hands at Garroth, even though he was already holing you. Garroth looked at you with confusion.

"I don't know what you want!" Garroth said. You looked up at Garroth desperately through your teary eyes and squished his cheeks. Garroth examined your face, your soft features starting to look familiar. He gasped in realization.



"(Y/N)'s the seeker!" Aphmau squealed. You looked around and realized you were significantly shorter than normal. You looked up and found Aphmau, Garroth, and Laurance smiling down at you.

"Aww..." You pouted and sat on the ground. They all giggled at you.

"While you're very cute, we need to hide." Garroth said, starting to run off with Aphmau. Laurance was about to take after them, but-

"Lauwence!" You said. Laurance looked back at you. "Don't leave me hewe alone..." You faked a sniffle and looked up at Laurance with your big eyes. Laurance faltered.

"I-I can't (Y/N), I need to hide..." Laurance said.

"Don't let her cuteness fool you!" Aphmau screeched. Too late for that. You were released and you quickly tagged Laurance. You giggled happily.

"Got you!" Laurance glared at you before running off to find Aphmau and Garroth.


"How... did this even happen...?" Dante stared at the baby, who Lucinda claimed to be you, sitting on Lucinda's table. Lucinda smiled sheepishly at Dante.

"The potion was supposed to change her hair color, but I think I put in the wrong ingredients somewhere." You stared at Lucinda, her orange hair very eye catching to a baby. Dante groaned and face palmed.

"Now I'm gonna go to jail for dating a minor." Dante sighed and picked you up. You giggled at the sight of Dante, thinking his hair is cooler than Lucinda's. You started pulling at his hair.

"Ow! (Y/N) no!" Dante winced. You giggled even more and continued to pull his hair. Lucinda chuckled.

"Sorry Dante, you'll have to deal with her like this for a couple hours while I make a new potion to reverse the effects." Lucinda said, apologetically, though she didn't look that sorry. Dante groaned and continued to serve as your little hair pulling toy.


"ZANE HELP ME!" Travis ran into Zane's house, holding a baby you in his arms. You cried out at the loud noise and started beating at Travis' shoulder. Zane jumped slightly from his spot on the couch and glared at Travis.

"Travis! What are you doing here and why do you have a baby? Who would leave you in charge of a baby?" Zane sneered as he eyed your crying self.

"This baby is (Y/N). I don't know how she got like this but I really need help taking care of her until she changes back and I don't know how to take care of a baby and ZANE PLEASE HELP ME!" Travis begged at the end of his rant, a frantic look in his eyes. Zane looked at Travis pitifully before sighing and taking you from him. He started bouncing you gently in his lap and cooing at you.

"Hey, it's okay, Zane's here. What's the matter (N/N)? Huh? Is Travis not doing a good job at taking care of you? I didn't think so." After a couple more minutes of senseless cooing, you started to giggled at Zane. Travis stared at him, dumbfounded.

"How... did you you calm her down so fast?" Zane smirked and adjusted you so you were balanced on his hip.



Zane smiled slightly as you crawled around your living room floor. You looked up at Zane and toddled over to him, holding onto his knees when he was close enough. Zane chuckled and joined you on the floor.

"Though I prefer you as an adult, you are a pretty cute baby." Zane mused as he tickled your pudgy stomach for a moment. You giggled happily and plopped down next to Zane.

"Sane!" You said proudly. Zane chuckled again and turned his whole body so he was fully facing you.

"That's right (Y/N), Zane!" Zane picked you up and placed up in his lap. You cuddled into Zane's chest, a content look on your cute little face. Eventually, you fell asleep. Zane smiled softly and rubbed your back soothingly as he continued to serve as your pillow.


"(Y/N) don't touch that!" Aaron grabbed the plate you were about to pull from the coffee table just in time. You giggled at Aaron and crawled away to get yourself into more trouble. Aaron put the plate away and quickly scanned the room for you.

"(Y/N) no!" Aaron picked you up and carried you away from the short cupboard you were about to get into. He dragged Celeste's fenced in play pen to a place where he could see you and placed you inside.

"Since you want to be bad, you're going to sit in here." Aaron said sternly and turned to walk away. You started to tear up and let out a loud cry after a few seconds. Aaron looked back at you for a moment. That was a bad decision. He couldn't bear to see you so upset. He quickly walked back to you and picked you up.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm here." Aaron said softly. After a few minutes you managed to calm down.

"If I take you out of the pen, will you behave?" Aaron asked. You nodded and smiled innocently at Aaron. Aaron chuckled and put you down on the floor.

Now I'm getting into Dear Evan Hansen. Three musicals at once. Guys I'm gonna go insane.

I love you all!

You make me very happy 😊.


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