You Turn Into A Guy

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Suggested by @Depressed_Bri
Thank you for the suggestion!


Garroth is incredibly confused. Like, how does something like this happen? Lucinda isn't even experienced enough to do this! But anyway, after the initial confusion passes, Garroth tries to live with it until you turn back. Believe or not, he doesn't mind as much after a few days!


Laurance doesn't mind that you've turned into a guy, he doesn't even question it. I mean, you're still the same person he fell in love with, so why would he think any different about you? Besides, the only difference now is that you don't have boobs and you don't have periods.


The first thing that Dante thinks is, "Wow,
(Y/N) looks good as a guy." Not gonna lie, Dante can't get over the fact of how strong your jawline is. He was surprised it didn't cut him when he touched it. I think we can all agree that Dante has now gone bisexual.


Travis is scared as heck. He didn't even know it was you at first! Like, "Who the heck is this man and why is he in my house and where is (Y/N) and- WHAT DID HE DO WITH (Y/N)?!" It took you two hours to calm him down and explain that there was a potion malfunction.


Zane is pretty much losing it. He's pacing around the room and ranting while you're looking over your new body. All of your friends find it hilarious that you're more calm about this than he is. Sometimes Zane acts more like your dad than you're boyfriend, but oh well.


Aaron seems calm on the outside, but on the inside he's kind of freaking out. He pretty much hounds Lucinda for the next few days to find a spell that will turn you back to normal. You wouldn't believe how many awkward encounters there are between you and Aaron.

I love you all!

I hope you're okay! I was thinking about you and hope you're still here.


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