He Accidentally Walks In On You Changing

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Suggested by @AbigayleCope
Thank you for the suggestion!


Honestly, it takes him a moment to realize your lack of clothing. He just continues to talk to you until he realizes it or you shout out him to get out. He immediately starts to apologize so much that he forgets to actually walk out until you push him out the door.


Laurance has seen you get changed in front of him before so he isn't really affected as much as you are. Well, he's definitely affected when you nearly throw a lamp at his head trying to get him to leave. Now he's learned to always know before entering.


Dante doesn't really mind seeing you like this. I mean, you're his girlfriend so he's bound to see you like this sooner or later. But he leaves the room and gives you some time to change into some clothes when he saw how uncomfortable you were.


Travis has to pause for a second to realize what's happening when he sees you. After everything has processed he starts kissing you because you're so beautiful and he loves you and he can't believe you're his and he wants to make sure you're real.


Zane suddenly turns as red as a tomato and walks out of the room without a word. He's super embarrassed about that moment and can't even look at you without blushing like a little cutie. Even a couple weeks later that incident haunts him.


Aaron immediately just walks out of the room without batting an eye. But when he's alone he just starts internally screaming because he was not ready for this to happen today. His thoughts are just a jumbled mess right now and he doesn't know what to do.

Aunt Renee if you're reading this, hi!

I love you all!

In case you've had a bad day or week, here's a pupper to make you feel better.


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