How He Helps You With Anxiety/Panic Attacks

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Suggested by @Demigod_Shishi
Thank you for the suggestion!


When you have anxiety attacks Garroth will simply hug you tightly (but not too tightly) and whisper sweet nothings in your ear. He feels so useless when these attacks happen to you, but he really does try. And believe it or not, Garroth's presence really does help you through the attacks.


Laurance will simply talk to you. He'll talk about his day, your friends, the weather, just something to distract you from your dark thoughts. He'll ask you pointless questions, just trying to get your mind away from that dark space it's in. These talks do help you get out of your funk.


Dante will start making a big show of breathing in and out, a silent command for you to copy him. The first step to calming down from an attack is regulating your breathing, so Dante just follows the first step. Eventually, you do copy him and it's all smooth sailing from there. Who knows what you'd do without your boyfriend?


He will start showing you as much affection as possible. He'll give you kisses, squeeze your hand, give you hugs, anything to show you that he's there and won't leave you to deal with the attack alone. Some would say it's not the best time for that kind of stuff, but you find it rather comforting in a way.


He'll start to sing. He knows you find comfort in his voice, so singing is what he'll do. He'll sing your favorite songs and even some new ones you've never heard before. Even when his voice starts to give out he'll still continue to hum a little tune.


He'll dance with you. He's not a dancer, really he isn't, but if means getting you to laugh and distracting you from the attack then that's what he'll do. He'll pull you up from where you are and simply dance crazily in the middle of the room. Seeing your normally serious boyfriend dance makes you smile and it's pretty difficult to be in a dark place when Aaron is doing the chicken dance.

Okay but imagine Zane singing. Kestin (Zane's voice actor) has a very nice voice and just... Zane singing. Nothing more needs to be said.

Also Aaron dancing. Boy that'll be a fun day!

I love you all!


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