A/N A Bunch Of Stuff (+Suggestions And Fanfic Reading :))

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I feel really bad about not updating, so as a thank you for understanding and being patient with my absence with this book, have an Andy X Door reading and review I recorded this morning. 😘

But really, thank you guys so much for being so understanding!! I'm gonna try coming back to this book, but I can't guarantee a regular update schedule like I used to; I'll try to update when I can. I do know that I am going to be posting a re-write of that Zane Imagine I wrote months ago since my writing has gotten better and I'm not happy with how I wrote it the first time; really the only things that stays the same are Zane and the song choice. I'll post it before I go back to school, which is Wednesday so before then!


I've deleted all of the screenshotted suggestions from my phone. They were really crowding me and stressing me out and I think that's one of the things that threw me out of my writing groove. I'm very very sorry if you've waited a long time for me to write your suggestion, but I think this was the right decision for me. I going to start putting boundaries on what I can write for so I don't stress out and I going to put a limit on how many suggestions I'll take at once. I hope you all can understand that.

***Please Start Suggesting Again On The Next Part I Post***

Anyway, again, thank you all so much for supporting me, all of your kind comments mean so much to me.

A special thanks to TruePower6 for sticking with me and being one of my biggest supporters 💕.

And another very special thanks to Kawaii_Countess for understanding the errors I've made and honestly making me better as a person. Really, thank you 💕.

If I didn't mention you, I promise, thank you so much!!! You're very special to me!!!

Well I think this is all I have to say. Once again, thank you all. I can never say it enough. I'll post soon. 😊

I love you all!

...hey again. 👋


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