Just A Tag :P

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Hey! Two updates in one day!
I was tagged by nanny1124
Wow it's a while since I've been tagged


1. Name
2. Relationship Status
3. Crush
4. Height
5. Birthday
6. Best Girl Friend
7. Best Guy Friend
8. Last Song You Listened To
9. Last Time You Cried
10. Last Time You Laughed + Why


1. Alyssa
2. Single
3. Um I don't think I have one?
4. 5'6
5. February 4
6. Sinead (irl friend)
7. Hm I guess it's a tie between therenagade7 and chan_the_man12 Hey guys! (wattpad friends)
8. Satisfied from Hamilton: An American Musical because I am literal trash for this musical :P
9. Hm maybe a week or two ago? Idk :P
10. Earlier today because my mom did something in public and I was laughing from embarrassment

I don't want to tag anyone 'cause I don't want to bother them

I love you all!


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