Someone Blurts Out You Like Him

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Suggested by @feistyprincess1
Thank you for the suggestion!


You, Garroth, Kim, and Aphmau were all playing Murder when it happened. Aphmau was the murderer and had Kim cornered.

"I'll let you go on one condition." Aphmau said, smirking evilly. "You have to tell me a secret." Kim thought for a moment before a smile appeared on her face.

"(Y/N) has a crush on Garroth!" She blurted out. Aphmau immediately killed her. "Hey!"

"I just wanted some juicy gossip." Aphmau giggled. Meanwhile, you and Garroth were blushing deeply in the other room.

"So... you like me, huh?" Garroth asked awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. You nodded, trying to avoid eye contact. Garroth smiled and kissed your burning cheek softly, making you turn towards him with even brighter cheeks.

"I like you too."


You, Laurance, and Lucinda were hanging out at Laurance and Garroth's house. All was going great before sOMEONE HAD TO STICK THEIR NOSE IN SOMEONE ELSE'S BUSINESS.

"So... Laurance." Lucinda started. "I think, I'm not positive, someone had a crush on you." Lucinda smirked at you, but Laurance didn't notice. Your eyes widened and subtly shook your head at her.

"Oh, really? Who do you think has a crush on me?" Laurance asked, oblivious to what Lucinda had in store.

"Why don't you guess?" Laurance thought for a moment.

"Kim?" Lucinda shook her head. "Katelyn?" Nope. "Kawaii~Chan?" Nu-uh. "Aphmau?" Nada. Laurance threw his hands up in exasperation.

"I'll give you a hint, they're in the house right now." Lucinda offered.


"No you dense ninny! I'm talking about (Y/N)! I'm trying to help you guys get together but you're both so oblivious!" Lucinda finally blew up. She huffed and stormed out of the room, leaving you and Laurance to talk things out.


You and Dante had always been really close, so close in fact that most people who didn't know you thought you were dating. This was Kim at first. When you first befriended Kim, you told her you liked Dante. She thought this was kind of weird of you to tell her since she thought y'all were already dating. After a couple weeks, something happened.

You, Dante, and Kim decided to go out for lunch at a local café, but Dante was running a bit late.

"Do you see him anywhere?" You asked Kim, glancing out the window.

"Not yet- wait! There he is!" Dante was coming from a direction you weren't facing, which meant you couldn't see the bouquet of flowers he was holding. He walked into the café and walked up to the table.

"Hey Kim! Hey (Y/N), these are for you." Dante shyly handed you the flowers. You blushed and gently took the thoughtful gift. Kim awed.

"I can see why you like him so much, (Y/N)! You two are so cute!" Kim squealed. Dante blushed when she said this.

"K-Kim! We aren't dating!" You said, blushing even harder. Kim's smile fell and she looked at you guiltily.

"Oh... well I've got to go! See you later!" Kim booked it out of there, leaving you and Dante blushing and shy.


It was going to be a special night. You were going to confess to Travis that you liked him and hopefully kiss him just as the clock struck midnight, signaling the new year. With this goal in mind, you finished putting the finishing touches on your outfit and made your way to Aphmau's house for the New Year's Eve party she was throwing.

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