What He Does When You're Hurt

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Suggested by @thatweirdpotato132
Thank you for the suggestion!
(Please read until the end :))


He will overreact no matter how big or small the injury. Paper cut? Garroth will act like you cut off a finger. Broken bone? He'll act like it's going to be amputated. Because of this he will do practically everything for you. I'm serious, sometimes you have to stop him from following you into the bathroom.


Laurance will tend to you himself. You don't get major injuries often, so he treats your minor ones. After he helps you he'll simply cuddle with you until the pain subsides. Laurance is simple, keep him.


Hospital. No talking, just shoves you in the car and drives. Dante doesn't know anything about caring for an injured person so he just lets the doctors do it. It doesn't even matter how small the injury, Dante will make you go to the hospital anyway.


Travis will try to help you himself, but he's really hesitant about it. He doesn't want to make it even worst so it takes a lot of coaxing and maybe a bit of yelling to get him to help you. When he finally does patch you up he gets a sense of pride when he realizes he didn't make anything worst.


Zane is super clingy and protective when you're injured. He will not leave your side and will glare at anyone who comes within ten feet of you. It can get pretty annoying at times, but at the end of the day Zane only does this because he loves you.


Aaron will simply tend to your wounds the proper way and let you rest. Injuries can take a lot out of a person and Aaron knows you'll be pretty exhausted, so he lets you sleep until your strength is restored.

Thank you guys so much for 10k reads! That is just so incredibly amazing and I could never ask for better readers . In honor of this momentous occasion, what should I do? A QnA? A special imagine? Anything! You decide! Please leave your suggestions in the comments!

I love you all!

Thank you for being here :).


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