Someone Likes Him/You

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Suggested by @maddythecreator
Thank you for the suggestion! Most of these have someone who's interested in you/him instead of specifically like and I hope that's okay! 😅

***Also I use bar scenes a couple times in this one and yes I know almost no one reading this is old enough to drink (myself included) but I like bar scenes and things are more likely to happen in bars so work with me please lol. 😁


"I'm just saying babe, I could make you much happier than your, what, boyfriend?" The sleazy waiter from the restaurant purred, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear and then caressing your cheek. You chuckled awkwardly and gently pulled his hand away from your face, silently praying your boyfriend gets back from the bathroom soon.

"I'm good, thanks," You said politely. "I'm actually more than happy with my boyfriend, so I'd like it if you stopped, please."

The waiter scoffed. "What does that Ken doll over there have that I don't?"

"Well for starters, I have more respect for a woman's boundaries." The waiter turned around to glare at your boyfriend. "I also like to think I'm more desirable than someone who won't take no for an answer, so if you don't mind, I'd like to enjoy the rest of my time here with my girlfriend." Garroth and the waiter had a stare off before the latter finally cracked and fled the scene, mumbling some not so kind words under his breath. Garroth slid into the chair next to you and slipped his arm around your waist.

You smiled. "Thanks babe," you said with a small kiss to his lips.

Garroth simply grumbled, "That guy is so not getting a tip."


Laurance's phone rang, making you glance at the name. You made a face at who it was. "Hey baby?"


"Why is Michi calling you?" Laurance furrowed his eyebrows and looked over at his phone before glancing at you and accepting the call.

"Hello? Michi?" You tried not to appear interested, but still listened intently to Laurance's side of the call. "Oh, I'm doing good. You?" A pause. "That's good. Is there a specific reason why you're calling or...?" Another pause. Whatever Michi was saying couldn't have been good, with the way your boyfriend's eyes widened and cheeks flushed. "Michi I'm flattered you like me, really I am, but I actually have a girlfriend." Laurance's eyebrows shot up to his hairline at whatever Michi's response was. "Yes I'm very happy with her for your information-" That was all you needed to hear to snatch the phone from Laurance's fingers.

"Yes, hello, this is the girlfriend. Laurance and I are actually really happy together and we'd both appreciate it if you didn't call this number again. Bye now!" Your overly cheery attitude dropped as soon as you ended the call, a scowl taking over your features. Laurnace shot you an apologetic smile and pecked the top of your head.

"You know you're the only one I like, right?

You sighed. "Yeah, I know."


"I hope that girl realizes you're taken soon," You mumbled, gripping Dante's arm firmly. Dante chuckled and lead you to another side of the shop, away from the stranger eyeing your boyfriend like a piece of candy.

"Just ignore her babe. If she doesn't leave soon, we will, okay?" You hummed in confirmation, but still didn't let your grip on him falter. Not even five minutes after moving, the girl made her way to your side of the store, pretending to examine a box of shoes, but you knew better. You could practically feel her gaze shoot over your head and at your boyfriend. Deciding you had enough, you let go of Dante to go confront the stranger. Dante glanced your way but decided to let you do your thing; if you started throwing hands, then he'd drag you back. You tapped on the girl's shoulder and faced her innocent smirk with a glare.

"Look, I know you've been looking at my boyfriend ever since we walked in here, and I just want you to know that he's actually taken and I think we'd both of appreciate it if you'd stop." The girl raised an eyebrow, an amused look in her eyes.

"Him? Sweetheart, I was looking at you."


You stepped away to the bathroom for two minutes. You were gone for two minutes and what do you come back to? The male bartender attempting to chat up your uncomfortable looking boyfriend. The poor thing. As soon Travis caught sight of you, you could practically see his posture relax in relief.

"Hey hun, thanks for saving my seat," you said cheerfully as you reclaimed the seat next to Travis, pecking his cheek for good measure. If looks could kill, you'd be six feet under due to the bartender's glare. But if looks could revive, you'd come back to life thanks to Travis' grateful grin. With one last huff, the guy sashayed away to another client.

Travis sighed. "Thanks for saving me. He was trying all these stupid pick up lines and I kind of felt sorry for him since I couldn't get a word in about my sexuality or my relationship status." You snickered and sipped your drink.

"Aww you weren't interested in him? I'm sure he had an awesome personality." You said sarcastically.

"Nah, I'm already taken by someone with an awesome personality." Travis winked.


"Boys are stupid," Zane grumbled as you entered your shared home. You smiled at him amusedly.

"How so?"

"I know you said your friend was kind of affectionate, but come on! He was like, all over you all evening!" Your boyfriend vented as he kicked off his shoes and turned to face you. Your smile began to fall slightly. "Every time I tried to say something, he'd cut me off, and when I finally got a word in he'd take your attention elsewhere! He's not even being subtle about the fact that he totally likes you!" Zane huffed and crossed his arms.

You frowned and rubbed Zane's shoulders reassuringly. "I honestly didn't notice all of those things until you said so, and for that I'm sorry. Would it make you feel better if I talked to him about it?" Zane hesitated. "Over text?" He mulled it over for a few more seconds before nodding and pulling you into his arms, mumbling something about you being 'the best girlfriend ever' into your hair.


"How many do you think are gonna come up this time?" You asked Aaron as the pair of you walked down the sidewalk in the cool evening. Your boyfriend thought for a moment.

"I'm gonna guess four, minimum."

"Wow, getting full of yourself are we?" You teased. Aaron scoffed and held the entrance door to the bar open for you. As time went on, you and Aaron realized that particularly confident women (and sometimes men) liked to come up and hit on your boyfriend whenever you went out, sometimes while you were sitting there with him. It was annoying at first, but over time you guys started to make a game out of it. There was no use getting angry over something you couldn't control, like your boyfriend's good looks. You knew Aaron liked you only, so it's all good.

"I'm gonna go get another drink, you want one?" You nodded and Aaron made his way over to the bar. After a couple moments a girl stole your boyfriend's chair, said girl beginning to eye your boyfriend like candy. You smirked slightly; first one of the night.

"Dang girl, how'd you get him? You've been talking to him since I came in. You mind if I join in for some of the fun later?" Your smile fell. "Just saying, but you don't look like the wild type and I could show you both a good time," The girl said, eyes never leaving Aaron. You looked at her in surprise, not used to people being too forward and dirty, before saying in the calmest, most serious voice you could muster,

"That's my boyfriend, b****."

When Aaron came back, you had a couple scratches on your cheek and a smirk on your lips. The other girl looked worst anyway.

Me: I'm gonna update more this summer guys!!!! :DD

Also me: *school work piles up* *dislocates kneecap* *gets surgery* *breaks up with boyfriend* *motivation flies out the window* ... :DDDD

So yeah!!! The past two months obviously haven't been very easy on me and I've sort of been busy and I'm very sorry about that!!! Maybe I'll try to get more stuff out?? Who even knows anymore! 🙃

I love you all!

Don't forget to take care of yourself, please.


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