Anxiety/Panic Attacks

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Highly doubt any of them have anxiety/panic attacks but whatever. Please don't read if you're triggered by this stuff.


"Shh, Honey, it's okay." You cooed softly, slowly wrapping your arms around Garroth.

"No, no it's not okay." Garroth said between gasps of air. He slowly slid to the ground, your arms still securely around him. "Mum and Dad want me to take over the business. I can't do that. It's too much for me, but I have to." Tears started to form in his once bright eyes.

He was no longer talking in his silly voice he always used to make you smile, he was talking in his normal smooth voice. That's how upset he is.

"I know, Baby, but can you calm down for me? Just take deep breaths. In, out, in, out." You tried to get him to start breathing steadily with you, which eventually worked. When his breathing was back to normal, he buried his head in your neck and you stroked his hair.

"Garroth, if you don't want to take over the business you don't have to." You said softly, pulling back a bit to look him in the eyes. The tears and distress in his eyes was enough to make you want cry too.

"But won't they be upset? They've been trying to form me into the perfect business man all my life, and to have all their work will go down the drain? That would make them so disappointed. I don't want them to be disappointed." He said sadly.

"I won't lie to you, Garroth, they may be a bit upset." He whimpered. "But if not doing something you don't want to do makes them upset, so be it. You'll go crazy if you take over that business! I know you want to make your parents proud, but take care your needs first." You said in a soft but stern tone.

He stayed silent for a few moments before he whispered "Okay." But you could still see he wasn't really on board with the idea of making his parents upset. You sighed.

"I just want you to be happy, Garroth." You pulled him into a hug.

"I know." He mumbled.

Laurance: (btw you're in college in this one)

"Angel, do you want to take a break for a while? You've been working for hours now." Laurance says, looking at the papers and books scattered across the table.

"I can't Laurance! I have so much to catch up on when I was sick last week! I've got Algebra homework that I don't even understand, a huge research project that's due in two days, a five page essay to write, three make up packets, a huge test to study for, and- Laurance I can't do this!" You cry, burying your head in your hands. Laurance wraps his arms securely around you.

"What can't you do?" He asks softly.

"This!" You wave your arms at the papers and books. "All of these assignments! This is all too much for me! But if I don't do all of this I won't graduate and if I don't graduate I won't get a job and if I don't get a job I won't be able to pay back my parents and-" Your breathing starts to become incredibly uneven.

"Angel, calm down. (Y/N) it's okay. Take deep steady breathes for me." Laurance instructed softly. You obliged and took deep breaths. When your breathing evened out, you collapsed in his arms and cried.

"I'm sorry, Laurance." You said through your sobs. He stroked your hair and placed a small kiss to your temple.

"Don't apologize. You just need a break to regroup your thoughts and then you'll be able to knock out these assignments in no time. Now come on." He pulled you up from your chair. "We're going out to eat and then shop for a bit to get yourself together."


"Butts are for pooping." You laughed and this made Laurance smile. He's happy to see you smiling again.

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