His Favorite Thing About You

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This was also supposed to go up yesterday. Oops


Your body. He loves how perfectly your body fits with his. Whether you be hugging, cuddling, or spooning, your body will fit with his no matter what. You guys are like puzzle pieces, made for each other.


Your eyes. Your eyes are not only beautiful, they tell a story. Your eyes were the first thing Laurance noticed about you when you guys first met. He could read your eyes like an open book and frankly, they're his favorite story.


Your smile. He practically lives to see you smile. To him, your smile is brighter than any star in the sky. To him, your smile seems to brighten any room he's in. To him, your smile is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.


Your lips. Your lips not only look soft, but they feel soft too. Sometimes he'll kiss you in the middle of you talking because he can't control himself when your lips are just right there in front of him. He'd kiss you all day if you'd let him.


Your personality. He loves everything about your personality. He loves how nonjudgmental you are, always accepting others for who they are. He loves how selfless you are, always thinking of others before yourself. He could keep going, but we'd be here for a while.


Your voice. You don't have to be singing for him to love your voice, he just loves hearing talk or laugh. Your voice is just so unique and beautiful and that's what he loves about it. He'd rather listen to your voice than some stupid pop song on the radio any day of the week.

Anyone notice those song lyrics I slipped in? Yes? No? Oh well. Which one was your favorite?

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