Prank Wars

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Suggested by @LacyDeSavageMemer
Thank you for the suggestion!


"Hey babe, I'm on my way home, what's up?" You answered your phone casually, keeping your eyes on the road ahead.

"Uh just a quick question, how long until you're home?" Your boyfriend asked.

"I'd say maybe fifteen minutes, why?"

"Okay that's all I wanted to know, bye!" Without even letting you get a word in, Garroth hung up. Coming to a stoplight, you pushed on the brakes and stared at your phone weirdly. He was up to something.


Balls. Plastic balls spilled everywhere after opening the coat closet, nearly knocking you down in surprise. Garroth giggled mischievously as you slowly turned toward him, a determined look set on your face.

"Oh it is on, Ro'meave."

Let's just say Garroth was very scared to use the shower until the war was officially over.


"LAURANCE OH MY IRENE GET HERE QUICK-" That was all it took before you heard pounding footsteps approaching the bathroom at a surprisingly fast pace. The already slightly ajar door flew open.

"(Y/N) WHAT-" Poor Laurance. He didn't even get to finish his sentence before the bucket on top of the door fell onto his head, soaking him and the tiled floor with water. You erupted into laughter, your recording phone shaking slightly. Laurance simply stood in shock for a few seconds, processing the situation. He slowly lifted the bucket from his head, making you laugh harder when the hair stuck to his forehead was revealed. "(Y/N). What the hell." You stopped recording, making a mental note to send the video to the group chat with your friends.

"Hey, you started this when you put a fake cockroach in the shower!"

"Never mind that. I hope you know I'm not cleaning this mess up."

"Oh yes you are," You said, carefully leaping over the puddle of water and taking off down the hall."



Once you heard a scream coming from the bathroom, you knew your prank had worked. Giggling, you grabbed your phone and started recording. You took your time walking to the bathroom and entering. "Are you alright in there babe?" A bright pink-haired Dante poked his head out from behind the shower curtains, scowling at your sh**-eating grin.

"Why? Just, why?"

"Payback for putting ghost peppers in my cereal, ***hole. MY. CEREAL. YOU'RE LUCKY I JUST STUCK WITH DYE IN THE SHAMPOO INSTEAD OF SOMETHING ELSE."



"NO I- (Y/N) I'm going out later, what am I supposed to do?!"

"Hope you like wearing wigs honey." Stopping your recording, you exited the bathroom, leaving Dante to figure things out for himself.


"Travis? Are you home?" After hearing you call his name, Travis quickly got into position. He quietly laid himself on the floor of the bathroom in nothing but a white bathrobe, a pool of blood surrounding him and even splattered on some of the cabinet doors. Hopefully it looked like he took a nasty fall while getting out of the shower. Travis had a camera set up in the corner of the room, praying the batteries wouldn't go out and you wouldn't notice it. He closed his eyes and waited for you to enter. Low and behold, you entered a few seconds later.

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