What Makes Him Blush

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Suggested by @Small_Avacado
Thank you for the suggestion!


Oh sweet baby Irene help us all. To be honest, whispering sweet and romantic things in Garroth's ear will make him m e l t. He'll start turning red in no time and start stumbling over his words and- help us all. His voice will go pitchy when he tries to say something and he's so adorable and we love him.


Doing simple things like staring him in the eyes when he talks about his day and smiling gently at him will definitely get him going. He'll start smiling and blushing and trying to ignore it like he's fine but in reality his face resembles a tomato and he knows it does. Please protect him, he needs protecting.


NICKNAMES. A A A A A A A A A A A A. Calling him stuff like "babe" or "hun" or "love" will literally make him d i e inside. He'll start blushing so hard and he'll try to hide his face and- guys. His ears turn red. HE BLUSHES SO HARD HIS EARS TURN RED. SAVE ME. SAVE ME PLEASE I CAN'T.


F l i r t i n g is the way to go if you wanna make the albino (I'm sorry if that offends anyone) blush. Despite being a tiny bit of a flirt himself, he almost can't handle it when someone responds to his flirts, let alone flirt with him first. One time you flirted with him for a full hour and he locked himself in the bedroom.


Any. Sort. Of. Physical. Intimate. Contact. Will. Make. Him. Blush. Holding hands, kissing, hugging, cuddles, the works, it will all make him flustered beyond belief. The poor smol bean isn't used to so much affection and it's almost overwhelming, but he secretly loves the affection despite his blushing cheeks.


Aaron's a hard nut to crack. He doesn't blush unless he's really embarrassed, which you take to your advantage. One of the easiest ways to make him blush is making dirty jokes. Yup, he can barely stand them and they make him so flustered and embarrassed. HE WHIMPERS WHEN HE'S EMBARRASSED. WHIMPERS.


2) Have some pictures of me from my Snapchat because I feel confident in myself for once.

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I had to screenshot the last one from my conversation with James and it told him I screenshoted our conversation d*mn it I'm dying

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I had to screenshot the last one from my conversation with James and it told him I screenshoted our conversation d*mn it I'm dying.

I love you all!

Don't worry, I still love you 💕.


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