How He Proposes

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Suggested by @Jellybean710
Thank you for the suggestion!


Garroth will end up proposing early in the morning. He will wake up from his slumber, thoughts of how to propose to you keeping him from sleeping. He will already have the ring in his bedside drawer. He'll look at your sleeping form with a smile on his lips. This is where he belongs, with you. He'll think 'screw it' and wake you up. You'll wake up snappy, not really in the mood to be awake, but the sleep will immediately vanish from your eyes when you see Garroth holding a ring. He'll tell you how much he loves you and how he never wants to live without you. Whether you say yes or no is up to you...


Laurance is a cheesy and classic guy, so he'll take you to the place where you guys met or where you had your first date. When you ask why you're there he'll just say 'why not?' You guys will have dinner at the place and just talk. You'll talk about anything and everything until Laurance musters up the courage to tell you how he feels. Eventually, he'll get down on one knee and present the ring to you. He will have a speech prepared, but his words will die on his tongue when he looks in your eyes. He'll mange to squeak out a 'marry me?' and look up at you hopefully. Whether you say yes or no is up to you...


Dante will take you to a fancy restaurant. He'll request a table in the center of the room, he'll want everyone to see what he's about to do. He'll act like a total gentleman the entire night and treat you like a princess. After you guys eat he'll get the restaurant's attention, you looking curiously at him. When everyone is finally looking at you, he'll look back at you, smiling nervously. He'll drop to one knee and recite the speech he practiced for hours and pull out a ring. When you look around you'll see everyone smiling at you, silently urging you to say yes. You'll look back down at Dante. He will look at you with love and hope, awaiting your answer. Whether you say yes or no is up to you...


Travis will treat you to a day of luxury! He'll bring you to the spa and go shopping with you, which you could never convince him to do before. Best of all, he pays for it all! As you guys walk through the mall, you find Garroth, Laurance, Dante, Zane, and Aaron all standing in a row facing you and holding signs. Each sign has one word, or in Aaron's case, punctuation mark. When you read the signs you read, 'you me ? marry Will' You will look at Travis in confusion to see him pointing at the boys wildly. The boys will quickly arrange themselves to spell out, 'Will you marry me ?' Travis will get down on one knee with a ring in his hand and look up at you hopefully. Whether you say yes or no is up to you...


Zane will take you to a nice open field! The field will be a bit far from civilization, so it will be perfect for what he is about to do. He will spread out a picnic blanket and set down a basket full of food. You guys will sit on the blanket and eat your dinner in peace, content in each other's company. After you eat you will watch the sunset together, Zane's arms will be wrapped around you. When the stars come out Zane will pull you up so you're standing. He will tell you how much he loves you and how you changed his life. He will get down on one knee and pull out a ring. Whether you say yes or no is up to you...


Aaron will propose to you on your first year anniversary! He will make you a nice home cooked meal, since he and yourself want to spend the night in. After the meal is cooked and eaten you guys will cuddle on the couch and watch a movie on Netflix. Aaron won't be paying attention to the movie though, he'll be looking at you and wondering how he got so lucky. Eventually he won't be able to wait any longer and he'll turn off the movie. You will turn towards him to ask what's wrong, but will find him looking at you nervously with a ring. Neither of you need to say anything to know what he's asking. Whether you say yes or no is up to you...

I love you all!

How was your day? Good? Bad? Either way, just know that you're important and loved!


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