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"Garroth, what are you doing?" You asked, giggling slightly. Garroth was making weird, but cute, faces at the computer for quite a while now.

"I'm reading a fanfiction about you and I. A fan sent this to me and here I am now." He said, grabbing his laptop and sitting next to you. "Here, read this with me." You started to read over some sentences.

"'I'm sorry, (Y/N), but we can not be together.' Garroth said, turning away from (Y/N).

'But why Garroth?' She cried.

'Because," He turned toward her. 'I love you.'

'I love you, Garroth!'

'I do not love you.' He turned away again. 'I love someone else.'



'I love you too!"

'I do not love you. I am gay.'

'For who?'


'I knew it!' Laurance squealed, popping up from out of nowhere. 'I love you too, My Love!' Garroth then jumped into Laurance's arms and they ran away together to make the Garrance babies-"

You and Garroth immediately burst out laughing at the last sentence. "Is this really what Aphmau's fans write about?" You asked through your laughter.

"I guess so!" Garroth giggled.

"To be fair, I kind of ship it too." You giggled.

"Well too bad. I only love you." He cooed.

"I love you too." You said, kissing his lips.


"Um... Laurance?" You called out to him from the couch.

"Yes, Angel?" He said, sitting next to you.

"What's a fanfiction?" You asked randomly.

"Well, it's like a story with characters from books or series' made by a fan. Why?" Laurance asked, a bit confused about why you would ask such a question.

"Well I found this story called, 'Love And Lust A Laurmau Fanfiction'." You said, raising an eyebrow.

"NOPE." Laurance shouted, throwing the laptop out the window.

"Laurance! Why the heck would you do that?!" You exclaimed, mad that you'd have to get a new laptop.

"I, uh, didn't want you to think I loved Aphmau when I really love you." He mumbled, looking down at his lap.

You sighed and shook your head. "Laurance, you said it yourself. It was a story made by a fan. I know it's not real and I know that you love me." You said softly, tilting his head up.

He smiled. "Heh, I guess it was a bit silly to think like that. I'm sorry about your laptop. I'll get you a new one."

"Yeah, you better." You said playfully.

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