My Zane Imagine Re-Written

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Zane awoke with a start, his mind hazy and confused as to why he woke up. His ears eventually processed the cries coming from the baby monitor on the bedside table. For a split second he debated waking you up to deal with your crying child, but he shoved that thought away. One, he knows you're exhausted. You need your rest after pushing a literal mutant potato out of you just a couple days before this night. And two, he knows what you're like when you're tired. You're cranky and snippy and honestly that's not a good attitude to have when taking care of a crying baby. Carefully and tiredly, Zane pushed himself into a sitting position before pushing himself off the comfort of your warm shared bed, making sure not to wake you.

He padded down the hall quietly, the cries gradually getting louder as he approached your son's room. The door was already open when Zane finally entered the blue and grey nursery, just how you and him left it. Neither of you could stand being away from your baby, but you both knew he had to have his own room. So, you both made sure there were as little walls separating you three as possible. Zane sighed softly as he stared down at the crying child, absolutely certain his heart would break in two if he had to continue listening to his wails. It most likely would have been even worst for Zane if he could see Zander's eyes. Making eye contact with someone made emotions seem stronger, at least to Zane they did. Thankfully, Zander hadn't really opened his eyes all the way just yet.

"Hey Zander," Zane cooed quietly, lifting the baby from the crib and rocking him gently. Zane gently patted Zander's bottom, noticing the diaper was still dry. He was a just fed a couple hours ago too, so he shouldn't be hungry just yet. Zander continued to cry, getting tears and spit all over Zane's nightshirt. Zane didn't really mind.

"What's the matter buddy? Huh?" Zane asked, as if he would really answer. Zane babbled to Zander for a few minutes, his wails eventually dying down to hiccups and feeble whimpers. Zane smiled gently.

"You just wanted some attention, didn't you?" Zander gurgled in reply, gripping at Zane shirt. Zane laughed softly. He knew, now that Zander was awake, he wasn't going back to sleep any time soon, and he especially wasn't going to sleep if Zane put him back down. Deciding to at least get comfortable, Zane sat down in a white rocking chair in the corner farthest from Zander's crib. He slowly rocked in the chair, thinking and looking down at his son.

His son.

Until now, Zane hadn't even thought of these words. This week had just been so hectic that Zane had barely had time to eat. Now that he's finally had the chance to look down at his special boy and realize that this was all real, Zane began to tear up, a soft smile on his face. He realized he would do anything for his son. He'd climb a mountain, he'd swim across a rushing river, he'd run a marathon, he'd speak in front of a crowd of people, hell, he'd even... sing.

Zane paused.

Oh wow, when was the last time he sang? It's been so long since he last sang a song on the radio, let alone one of his own songs. Yeah, that's right, Zane Ro'meave wrote songs, laugh it up. The last time Zane had written a full blown song was in high school. Since then, song writing had been put on the back burner. Just recently was Zane struck with inspiration, just a couple days ago. He managed to finish writing his new song in just a couple hours, his baby boy in the incubator a few feet away from his chair driving him onwards to finish the song.

Zane looked up from Zander to scan the nursery, half expecting to see his friends teasing him for being caught in such a tender moment. Zane didn't exactly know what possessed him to commit to his next actions. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, the tender moment with his son, or even the soothing colors of the walls. All Zane knew was that he was suddenly humming, a slow and soft melody he made up on the fly. He looked back down at Zander as the first lyrics he wrote down just days before came to mind.

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