You Almost Break Up

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Suggested by @Frostmana393
Thank you for the suggestion! I'm sorry if the boys might seem a bit out of character. I don't really think they'd do anything to make their partner mad so I kind of had to twist their personalities a bit.


"Seriously Garroth? Seriously?" You gestured to everything around you. You came home from a tiring day at work to the house looking like an absolute mess and your boyfriend didn't even try to clean anything up. Instead, he was on the couch scrolling through his phone.

"What? It's not that bad, just chill out." Garroth rolled his eyes and looked back to his phone. You clenched your hands into fists, starting to feel your blood boil.

"No, Garroth, I will not 'chill out'. I swear, I'm the only one who actually does anything in this house!" You snapped. Garroth glared at you.

"You know what? You are the only one who does anything in this house because that's what women are supposed to do. They cook and clean." Garroth smirked. Your mouth dropped open and you went wide-eyed. You would not stand for this.

"I have no idea what's gotten into you Garroth, but I'm not going to stand for it." You grabbed your purse and car keys. "I'll be back in the morning to collect my things." Before you could even set foot out the door, Garroth pulled you back, his eyes wide with fear.

"No, please don't go (Y/N). I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for what I said. I-I have no idea what came over me. You're right, you do do most of the stuff for the house and I'm going to help you from now on. Just please don't leave me." His eyes started to well up with tears, he couldn't stand the thought of losing you. You hard gaze started to soften. You didn't like seeing Garroth cry. You sighed and kissed Garroth's cheek softly.

"Alright, I'll stay, but if this happens again I'm leaving." Garroth nodded his head frantically and pulled you into a hug.


You have no idea what's gotten into Laurence. One day he treats you like a princess, the next day he treats you like dirt. For the past month he's done nothing but snap at you, call you names, and lower your self esteem. You kept telling yourself it would get better, but today was the last straw for you. You were getting ready for a night out with the girls when suddenly,

"You're wearing that? Jeez, and you told me you weren't a whore." Laurance laughed harshly. You felt something snap inside of you. You didn't know if it was the final straw, or your broken heart. Your nostrils flared and whipped around to face to Laurance.

"What I wear does not matter. I wear what makes me comfortable, not to please you. I'm so done with you Laurance, I'm so done. You've done nothing but treat me horribly for the past month and I can't do it anymore. I don't want to be with you anymore Laurance." Tears started to run down your face. When did they even begin to form? "When I come back, I'm bringing the girls so they can help me pack my stuff." Laurance stared at you silently, his expression unreadable. You tried to slip past him, but he caught your hand.

"Please don't leave." He whispered, his voice sounding fragile. "I'm sorry. I'm so, terribly sorry. My new boss is horrible and I've been taking all of the anger I have towards her out on you. You don't deserve that, my Angel. I don't know what else to say but I'm sorry." You sighed softly and squeezed his hand. You leaned up and kissed his cheek.

"Apology accepted. This better not happen again." You warned. Laurance nodded and smiled.

"By the way, you look absolutely beautiful." You blushed. There's the Laurance you know and love.


Another day, another fight. You and Dante have done nothing but fight these past few weeks and both of you are starting to lose it.

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