What He Does For Your One Year Anniversary

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Suggested by @Jellybean710
Thank you for the suggestion! Speaking of suggestions, I'm not getting many suggestions on what I should do for my 10k landmark so I'll just leave the special planning for another time :)


Garroth will try to be all romantic and try to cook a meal for you. In the end he'll fail and almost burn down the house. But don't fret! This is what take out is for! After he almost burns you to a crisp you'll call in some food and cuddle on the couch.


Laurance will go with the traditional take you out to a fancy dinner and catch a movie. In his opinion this is the best way to celebrate because he gets to be with you. He can listen to you talk during dinner and watch how your eyes light up during the movie.


Dante will start saving money a few months before your anniversary so he can buy you something amazing. He'll end purchasing a piece of jewelry that's a bit over his budget, but it's worth it to see your wide smile and shining eyes when he presents it to you.


Travis will buy you tickets to see your favorite band/artist in concert! It makes his knees weak when he sees that smile of yours after giving you the tickets. Seeing you dance and sing along with the crowd is the best gift he could ever ask for. You're the best gift he could ever ask for.


Zane will take you to the carnival! Rides, junk food, the stars, and each other. What more could you want? Zane will end up winning you a giant stuffed animal, giving it to you with flushed cheeks. You'll end the night at the top of the Ferris Wheel, watching the fireworks fly.


Aaron will stay simple and cook a homemade meal for you and succeed, unlike Garroth. After you eat you'll watch a movie on Netflix. Aaron isn't paying attention to the movie though, he's more concerned about the little box in his pocket... 😉

Welp, I am emotionally exhausted. School sucks. I did all of this today.

I love you all!

*looks around* *hugs you* *runs away*


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