When You Guys Fight...

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HA! Didn't forget this time


...you guys will fight for a long time. Both of you are very stubborn and neither of you want to admit defeat. One time, you fought from the morning to nightfall. Good thing you guys don't fight often, otherwise, there'd be a few issues.


...it's serious fighting. You guys almost never fight, but when you do, it's over something serious. Like say meeting parents or maybe even 'the future'. You guys don't like to fight, but sometimes you can't control that.


...you both are loud. Most of the time, you guys don't even realize you're shouting so loud. You wouldn't believe how many times your friends were tempted to go over to your house to see if everything was okay. You guys might want to work on your volume.


...you guys try to solve the situation as soon as possible. It mentally hurts you both when you fight, but you know every couple has their fights and it's normal. There's really nothing much to your fights.


...you get quieter and quieter. Unlike Dante and his girlfriend, you guys are quiet during your fights. As the fight goes on longer, your voices grow softer. It's a bit weird, but it's just what you do. It's better then the whole neighborhood knowing about your fight.


...you both tend to get a bit violent. Now before you panic, I don't mean toward each other. You guys would never ever even think about hurting each other. You guys just tend to throw stuff and punch stuff. You both have short tempers after all.

Which was your favorite? Well if you have one

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