He Sees You Playing With Kids

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Suggested by @KatherineDays
Thank you for the suggestion!


When Garroth first saw you with a kid, he couldn't help but "aw." You looked so cute playing with the kid! He almost wanted to join in on the fun, but decided against it. He was satisfied with just watching you make faces at the cute baby from afar. To be fair, your faces are pretty cute too.


Laurance thought he couldn't love you anymore than he already did. Well, he was wrong. Seeing you with a child absolutely melted his heart. You looked so natural with the kid, and he couldn't help but think about how you would look with your future kids in your arms instead.


Dante was confused as to why you had a child in your arms. It was cute seeing you with the child and all, but where the heck did it come from? The child doesn't doesn't even look like you, so it couldn't have been from a past relationship. Turns out, you were just babysitting for a friend! Thank Irene.


Travis is so scared when he sees you surrounded by kids. He nearly forgot you were a teacher. Honestly, he almost thought the kids were forming a satanic ritual around you (please tell me if this offends anyone) and almost decked one in the face. I think it's safe to say Travis is kind of scared of kids.


Zane nearly cried when he saw you reading to your baby. Like, how can you look so perfect while doing the simplest of things? Seeing the most important people in his life like this made want to start crying because he thinks he doesn't deserve this life. He just loves you both so much.


Aaron knew you liked babies, but he didn't know that you loved them! You're covered with babies, and all you did was smile and laugh with happiness. He couldn't help but share your smile and he secretly recorded the whole thing. He's sure you'll thank him later so you can both look back on this moment.

I'm tired, I almost didn't want to update, but here I'm here! I'm gonna stuff my face with Cheeto Puffs now!

I love you all!

I'm happy you're here 😁.


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