He Catches You Talking To Your Senpai Poster (+Face Reveal)

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Suggested by @AdriChara
This was a unique one to write, but that's okay! I enjoy a bit of a challenge. Also it was a lot more fun to write than I thought :)


He didn't mean to walk in on your... alone time, but he really needed to talk to you about something and forgot to knock. When he caught you talking to your poster he froze for a few seconds and slowly backed out of the room. He doesn't necessarily think it's strange, he's just a bit surprised.


He actually reacts pretty well to your little habit. He simply told you to come find him when you were finished. He doesn't think it's weird; everyone has their quirks, so this is just one of your special quirks that he fell in love with. Laurance is actually a really accepting boyfriend.


Believe it or not, Dante thinks it's cute in a way. He finds it almost endearing how you talk to a fictional character as if they were real. Sometimes he even humors your little habit and talks to your... senpai with you. You won't let him talk to him for long though, nobody else can talk to your senpai. Nobody.


Travis actually doesn't mind all that much when you talk to your senpai. To put it blatantly, he actually doesn't care. Like, he could walk in on you talking to your senpai and just act completely normal. "Hey (Y/N)? You wanna have pizza for dinner? Yeah? Okay, tell your senpai I said hey."


He. Is. Terrified. He already deals with this anime talk with Aphmau, he can't deal with it with you too. Now, he's not scared of you, he's just scared of what you'll become. From what he's gathered, this anime thing can make people go crazy and he's not ready to let you go crazy with senpai madness, or, something like that.


Aaron is actually fairly curious about your 'senpai talks.' He's curious as to why you would want to talk to your poster the way you do and sits quietly as you explain why you do it. He asks questions when he's confused and you answer to the best of your ability. It's almost like he's a student and your his teacher.

Yesterday was my 14th birthday and my friend took a Polaroid picture of me when I wasn't looking and I think I look good in it. I thought I might as well show y'all while I'm writing, so I guess this is almost like a face reveal in a way? Eh, tell me what you think :)

 I thought I might as well show y'all while I'm writing, so I guess this is almost like a face reveal in a way? Eh, tell me what you think :)

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So... that's me. The Polaroid made me look better than I actually do, but I'm gonna take advantage of this picture lol

I love you all!


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