He's Ignoring You

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Suggested by @Demigod_Shishi
Thank you for the suggestion! I hope this is close to what you suggested :P


"Garroth, Garroth, Garroth..." You continued to repeat your boyfriend's name, poking his arm every time you said it. He continued to stare ahead at the TV, not even sparing you a glance. You sighed and crouched in front of him. He tried to look around your head, failing miserably.

"Please tell me what I did wrong." You said softly, giving him the puppy eyes you knew he couldn't resist. Finally, he looked you in the eyes.

"What?" He deadpanned. You were surprised at how cold his tone was.

"Tell me what I did wrong." You repeated. Garroth sighed and mumbled something under his breath.

"What was that?" You asked.

"You said Batman was better than Superman." He said louder. You stared at him with a blank look.

"That's... it? That's it?! You're mad at me because I had a different opinion than yours?!" You said your voice getting louder. Garroth stared at you guilty.


You sighed and stood up and walked out of the room.

"(Y/N), wait!"


"Laurance please look at me."

Laurance continued to stare at his phone. You sighed and shook his free hand.

"Laurance you know I want you to meet my parents, I'm just afraid of what they'll think of you." No reaction.

"Laurance please." You begged one last time. Still nothing.

You sighed and dropped his hand. You walked into the kitchen. Laurance finally glanced at the doorway, wondering what you were doing. He heard some muffled talking and looked back down at his phone when you walked out.

"You win Laurance." You said defeatedly. "We're having lunch with my parents next weekend. Will you please talk to me now?" Laurance looked up to meet your eyes and stood up from his seat. He moved toward you and wrapped his arms around you.

"You didn't need to do that, you know. I was just being difficult and I'm sorry." He said. You shook your head.

"No, it's fine. You'll have to meet them some time anyway." You gave him a small smile. He smiled back and kissed your forehead.

"Thank you."


"Hey Dante, how was your day?" You greeted your boyfriend cheerfully. He walked past you and into the living room without a word, leaving you stunned and confused. He had never ignored you before. You trailed after him and watched as he flipped through channels.

"Dante?" Nothing. You sat next to him and placed your hand on his shoulder gently. He shrugged your hand off, making you feel incredibly upset.

"Dante why aren't you talking to me?" No answer.

"Did I do something wrong?" Nada.


"Oh my Irene you're so annoying!" He snapped, startling you greatly. You stared at him with a blank look before giving him an angry glare.

"Fine. If this how you want to treat your girlfriend, I'll leave you alone." You spat, stomping into your bedroom. After an hour of silence Dante poked his head into the bedroom.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry I treated you like that earlier. I had a bad day at work and took my anger out on you. Forgive me?" Dante said, fully walking into the room. You sighed and pat the space next to you on the bed.

"You're lucky I love you." You mumbled when he crawled onto the bed.


"Real mature Travis, real mature." You said sarcastically.

"The silent treatment isn't the way to work through problems." Travis still ignored you, walking past you without a glance.

"Travis this is stupid, just talk to me!" He grabbed a book off the bookshelf and sat on the couch. You sat down next to him with a huff.

"Travis, we put this off for far too long. We fought this morning. We could have talked it out and everything would have been fine, but then you decided to go out with the boys for the day. Now you're giving me the silent treatment. When are we going to solve this?" You ranted. You were never one to speak out like this, but you were so fed up with it. Travis finally acknowledged your existence and sighed, closing his book.

"Fine. Let's talk this out. The spotlight is on you." He said in a monotone. And you did.


"Zane what's wrong? You've been awfully quiet since the restaurant." You remarked, closing the front door behind you. Zane didn't say anything, he just walked straight into the bathroom and shut the door. Oh no, that's not good. He's only like this when he's mad at you. You knocked on the bathroom door.

"Zane? I know you're mad at me, please tell me what I did." You called softly. No response.

"Zane if you won't answer me I'll break down the door." Nothing. You sighed and walked backwards.

"Step back!" You yelled, charging toward the door. With a loud thump and crack the door fell down with you on top of it. Zane stared at you wordlessly, half because you just broke down the freaking door, half because he's still mad at you.

"I told you I would." You panted, brushing off your clothes. "Now tell me what I did." Zane rolled his eyes with a groan. He knew he couldn't ignore you for long.

"It's the waiter." He grumbled. "He was flirting with you and you were flirting back." You stared at him with wide eyes. Were you really flirting with the waiter?

"Oh Zane I'm so sorry, I didn't even realize I was." You said wrapping your arms around. He sighed and hugged you back.

"It's okay."


"Hey Aaron!" No answer.

"Aaron?" You called your boyfriend again while shutting the front door. You walked up the stairs and found your boyfriend laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling.

"Aaron what are you doing?" You giggled. He still didn't answer back. Now you were confused, Aaron always replies to you. You crouched by the bed and poked his cheek.

"Are you ignoring me?" Still nothing. Well that answered your question. What did you do wrong? Were you too clingy? Was it something you said? Oh no, what if you did something so terrible he breaks up with you? Tears started to well up in your eyes without you noticing as these thoughts ran through your head. Aaron noticed these tears though and immediately pulled you onto the bed, peppering your face with kisses.

"Oh Irene I'm so sorry. Please don't cry (Y/N). The boys dared me to give you the silent treatment and for some stupid reason I did it. I'm so sorry." Aaron somehow managed to say between kisses. Eventually your teary eyes vanished and you started to laugh as Aaron continued to kiss you.

"It's okay Aaron. Just please don't do it again."

"I promise."

Ughhhhh I feel like this was crap. I wasn't really feeling this one for some reason but I really tried my best. The one weekend I don't have homework and I can't even write well -_-. Oh well

I love you all!


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