What He Does When You're Sad

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Okay I honestly love y'all so much, like, y'all are so nice?? Thank you for the lovely comments about my face reveal. They honestly made me smile so wide my cheeks hurt :). Anyway this was suggested by @KatherineDays
Than you for the suggestion!


He will smother you with cuddles while watching your favorite movies with you. Then he'll attempt to make you a homemade dinner, fail at making you a homemade dinner, then order takeout. This usually cheers you up 'cause your boyfriend is too cute.


STEP BACK EVERYONE, LOVING BOYFRIEND COMING THROUGH. He doesn't even need to see that frown on your face 'cause he's already got the ice-cream ready. After y'all have stuffed your faces he'll ask you what's wrong and try his best to make it better.


WHO MADE HIS ANGEL UPSET?! He will walk to the ends of the Earth trying to find who made you sad. Dante isn't really violent, but hey, you make him do things he wouldn't normally do. Of course you'll stop him before he can hurt anyone, but you appreciate his efforts.


He'll let you calm down before he tries to comfort you 'cause you can get pretty snappy when you're upset. When you do go into a stable state he'll cuddle you close and make sure you feel loved.


Zane doesn't have much experience with comfort 'cause, you know, he's never been a people person, but he does try his best to console you. You accept his efforts with open arms because Zane at least trying to comfort you makes you feel so much better.


He tries to simply talk to you about what you're upset about. If he knows what's upsetting you he'll know how to fix it. If you don't want to tell him just yet he'll respect that and cuddle with you until you're ready. Best boyfriend ever 10/10.

I love you all!


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