They Help You With Homework

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Suggested by @Nintelda02
Thank you for the suggestion!


Let's face it, Garroth is just as clueless as you. When the heck did college get so difficult? He tries his best to help you, but you don't get very far into the work. In the end, you'll both end up goofing off and making out- I mean what? You'll finish the homework later, right now you'd rather be with your boyfriend.


Lucky for you, English is Laurance specialty. Helping you with the essay is a breeze and he even helps you get a head start on your reading. He manages to get you twenty pages ahead of your class until you both decide that's enough. To thank him, you decide to give him a very special treat... ice cream!


Like Garroth, Dante is very confused with the material and has no idea how to help you. He ends up secretly googling the answers and tries passing it off as if he knew what he was doing all along. Of course you see right through him, but you let him have his fun. You end up finishing your work in about two hours.


Honestly, Travis is no help whatsoever. All he does is distracting you instead of helping. He keeps trying to steal kisses and convince you to take a break. When you tell him you can't do anything until you finish your work, he rips the paper from your grasp, writes on it for a few minutes, and gives it back to you. When you look it over, you realize he's answered every question correctly.


Zane is pretty much one of the only ones who helps you with your work. He'd be a pretty great teacher, honestly. He gives you hints and examples and helps you answer the questions without fully giving you the answers. You get your work done faster with your smart boyfriend around.


Aaron does more keeping you focused than actually helping you with the work. You get side tracked so often that it takes thirty minutes for you to get through one question with Aaron's help. Eventually, you do make it through the work and Aaron silently promises himself to have someone else help you with homework next time.

I love you all!

You've got me helpless 😉.


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