You're Jealous

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Suggested by @JefforySisterAlyssa
Thank you for the suggestion!


Garroth is pretty clueless to these kinds of things, so it's obvious that he isn't aware of the evil eye you're giving the girl he's talking to. You have to pull him aside and practically spell it out for him. He teases you about your jealousy for a moment before apologizing for being so clueless.


Laurance was always a ladies man, so of course a girl or two is gonna try and flirt with him. He knows you get jealous easily so he tries his best to steer clear of the flirty girls, but sometimes they're very insistent. While you wallow in your jealousy, Laurance makes it very clear that he's taken.


Dante usually never tries to make you jealous unless he's upset or mad at you. Then he'll make sure you're watching him when he walks up to a random pretty and strikes up a conversation. He knows exactly what he's doing and doesn't feel bad at all. Well, maybe he feels a little guilty.


Travis thinks you're fricken adorable when you're jealous. He thinks it's so cute how you try to deny your jealousy and play it off like you're fine with him talking to the girl who was making goo goo eyes at him. When he's finished teasing you he'll reassure you that he loves you only.


At first, Zane didn't believe you when you confessed that you were jealous. Like, why are you jealous??? Shouldn't he be the one getting jealous??? When it finally clicked that you were serious he gained this stupid cocky smirk like, how does it feel being the jealous one??? Zane is stupid, but we all love him.


Aaron is Aaron so he can automatically tell when you're starting to get jealous. He tries everything to prevent this from happening, but hey, sometimes things just happen. He tries to do everything to make your jealousy go away like showering you with affection and reassurance.

Can... can we talk about today's episode of Starlight??? Zane~Chan... The dirty jokes... The blushy, fluffy moments... Zach... Elizabeth... I can barely wrap my head around this episode because I honestly really loved it.

Also, my boyfriend now knows about my Wattpad. Babe, if you're reading this when I told you not to, I'm gonna kill you 😘.

I love you all!

You've got this, don't let anyone put you down.


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