He Catches You Talking To Your Imaginary Friends

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Suggested by @Foxyfqxyfox
Thank you for the suggestion!


He was very confused at first. He thought you were going bonkers talking to thin air. After a while though he learned to live with it. He let you have your fun and didn't say anything when you brought up something your imaginary friend said. Sometimes it's best to not question things.


Believe it or not he finds it rather endearing. Unlike every other adult, he doesn't think it's 'immature.' He thinks it's cute how you can still do something so childlike without shame. It's... refreshing. It's nice to see someone he loves doing something so adorable. He'll watch you fondly by the doorway as you talk to the air beside you.


Dante humors you when he found out you talk to your imaginary friends. He asks if it's okay to talk to your friends too. When you give him consent he'll talk to your friends as if they were real. He won't talk long though. After a while he'll start to feel a bit weird talking to the air and excuse himself while you're distracted.


He accepted that you did this, but it took a while. He thought it was pretty strange at first, so when he voiced his thoughts you were pretty offended. This caused many arguments in the next few days, Travis trying to convince you to got to therapy and you trying to convince him that you were fine. Since neither of you liked fighting, he eventually accepted it.


Zane can relate to you. In high school and college he didn't have many real friends, so he himself also had imaginary friends. When he found out you still talk to your imaginary friends he was very accepting. It was nice to know he wasn't the only one who had them. To be honest, he still talks to them every once in a while.


Ah, Aaron. Smart and curious Aaron. Of course he would want to know more about this habit of yours. He'll ask about their appearances, voices, backgrounds, and even personalities. He stores all of this information in the back of his head, so he'll be able to understand you when you talk about them later. #AaronTheConsiderateBoyfriend

I'm staying with my aunt and uncle for spring break and they live next to a school called 'Gay Avenue Primary School.' It's funny how they're Christians too XD.

I love you all!

Hey you, yes you, keep your head up high and smile. You're much more beautiful when you smile 😘.


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