How He Shows You His Love

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We've already established that Garroth is no poet or word wizard, so he likes to show you through his kisses. He thinks that if he kisses you enough times or kisses you hard enough you'll know how he feels. It's cute honestly. He thinks if he doesn't kiss you more than ten times a day he hasn't shown you enough of his affection and will start to smother you with kisses.


Unlike Garroth, Laurance got A's in English all throughout high school. He shows you his love through poems. Every morning he'll wake up before you and write a poem, each one different from the previous mornings. This way you'll wake up to a beautiful sonnet that'll get you through the day. Before you came into his life he'd sleep til noon with no worry, now he'll freak out if he wakes up past ten o' clock in the morning.


Dante isn't the wealthiest man in the world, but whatever he can spare goes to you. Whenever he has extra money after paying bills and buy groceries he'll buy you something special. Of course you always tell him not to spend so much on you, but he never listens. You're his girl, and his girl only deserves the best.


He's no poet like Laurance, but he does voice his feelings towards you. He has absolutely no shame in telling you how he feels. He'd probably chop off an arm before he silences himself from voicing his affections. He thinks there's no better way to get his feelings across than just flat out telling you. Kudos to you Travis!


We all know Zane isn't one to voice his thoughts or show too much affection, so he shows you using the only way he knows how: with his eyes. His eyes are very readable so it's very easy to tell how he's feeling even when he doesn't say so. When you look into his eyes the only you see is love and adoration. He wishes he could do more, but this seems to be just enough for you.


He shows you his love by just being there for you. He's always there when you need him and that's enough to reassure you of his feelings. Even though sometimes he's not able to help you with your problems, him just wrapping his arms around you and sitting with you is more than enough. It's enough for the both of you.

I'm sorry I don't have a Christmas special to post. I already had this pre-written and I'm afraid I haven't had much time to write.

Happy Holidays Everyone!


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