What He Does For Your Birthday

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Suggested by @Blueberrygirl456
Thank you for the suggestion!


Garroth makes you breakfast in bed all by himself! And by all by himself I mean he calls Aaron and begs him to help him make breakfast. He greets you with a kiss when you wake up and places your favorite breakfast in front of you. He spends the rest of the day showering you with gifts and affection.


Laurance throws you a party! He has one of your friends take you out for the day while him and your other friends get everything set up. By the time you go back home, all of the lights are out and you think Laurance went to sleep. But when you enter the house, someone turns on the lights and everyone shouts surprise. You spend the rest of the night with your friends.


Dante may or may not have forgotten your birthday... He knows it's an important day, he just doesn't know why it's important. After you realize he's forgotten, you give him the silent treatment. He becomes really confused until he passes by the calendar. He immediately tries to fix his mistakes and you eventually forgive him.


Travis treats you like an absolute princess! He waits on you hand and foot and does whatever he can to make you happy. When the sun starts to set he takes you out to eat to your favorite restaurant. After you eat he pulls a simple ring out of his pocket. Before you jump to conclusions, no it's not a wedding ring; it's a promise ring. You walk out of the restaurant wearing that ring.


Zane isn't really an expert on this stuff, so he just tries to do what feels right. You like the simple stuff, so he goes out and buys a small cake and a CD from your favorite singer/band. You're very grateful for the casual stuff and thank Zane after you eat cake and open you gift. You make out with him to thank him *cough* I mean what?


Aaron buys you tickets to a place you've always wanted to go to! He knows you've wanted to go to this place for so long and worked his butt off to get the tickets. Granted you can't use the tickets until next summer, but you're still very grateful! You attack Aaron with a bear hug and cover his face with kisses as a thanks.

I love you all!

You're my universe 💕.


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